Adopted a rescue, now he's growling at my kids?! Help!

Hey folks, I'm at my wit's end here. We brought home this sweet mutt from the shelter last week, seemed chill there, but now he's growling at my little ones whenever they get too close. I'm worried one of 'em might get bitten. Keeps happening when they try to pet him while he's in his bed. We've never had a dog before. Anyone been through this and got any solid advice?? I'm loosing sleep over this. Don't wanna give up on him so soon, but my kids come first ya know.

Submitted 9 months, 1 week ago by DogLuvrXtreme


Respect between kids and dogs goes both ways. Your dog's telling you he's not comfy. Keep the kids away from his bed and supervise all interactions. Hiring a behaviorist wouldn't hurt. It'll get better if you manage it properly now.

9 months, 1 week ago by K9Karen


Oh man, know the feeling! We had a similar issue when we adopted our terrier mix. Honestly, we set super clear boundaries. The kids learned to leave the dog alone in her 'safe spot’ and we worked on gentle interactions only when the dog wasn’t on her bed. Took time, but things got a lot better. A trainer helped us figure out a plan that kept everyone safe, definitely recommend finding one!

9 months, 1 week ago by MultiMuttMama


Just put on a dog costume and growl back, dominance asserted LOL

9 months, 1 week ago by BarkinMad22


Try treats! When the dog's out of bed, have the kiddos gently toss some yummies his way. If he sees them as treat machines, could change his tune real quick haha.

9 months, 1 week ago by TreatsBeforeTricks


Hey there! It sounds like the dog is resource guarding his bed. It's a common behaviour in shelter dogs who've had to compete for space or resources. You'll need to teach him that his bed is safe and that your kids aren't a threat to that safety.

Start by making sure your kids stay out of his bed area entirely for now. Give the dog some space, and let him come to them on his own terms. When your dog is out of his bed and calm, have your kids toss him treats without approaching him. This will help him associate them with positive experiences. Make sure they move slowly and talk softly around him too.

Looking for a professional dog trainer with experience in dealing with rescue dogs and resource guarding might be worthwhile. They can give you personalized advice and help supervise interactions to keep everyone safe. Also, never punish him for growling - that's how he communicates discomfort, and if he's punished for it, he might skip the warning next time and go straight to a bite.

9 months, 1 week ago by GoodDoggoDeeds


First time with a dog can be rough. Dogs guard their resting spot sometimes. Maybe set up some rules for the kids, like no touching when the dog's chilling in his bed. Use treats to associate the kids with good things for the dog.

9 months, 1 week ago by CouchCanine


Sounds like the poor pooch is just tryna have a safe spot. Dogs sometimes need their own 'no kids' zone. Make sure the kids know to give him space when he’s in his bed. Oh, and loads of patience, consistency and treats can help build trust. Stick with it!

9 months, 1 week ago by FurBabyFanatic