

Cute Samoyed is actually a monster

I saw my huge dog, Diggy, bite people and even children. He doesn't even like them, he just bites them or even poops or pees on them. One child even got his favorite T-shirt seriously damaged because of Diggy! Fortunately, he's now at home arrest.
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by Whopper1


Haha tail chasing never gets old

Literally just watched my dog chase her tail for 10 minutes straight... never a dull moment with this silly floof. Does anyone else's dog do this or is mine just a derp? 😂
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by SassyPaws


Adopt, Don't Shop - The Battle Continues

I can't stress this enough - there are too many dogs in shelters waiting for a loving home. Every time some1 buys a dog from a breeder, a shelter pup loses the chance at a happy life. Adopting saves lives and breaks the cycle of puppy mills. Share your rescue …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by TheBarkKnight


Homemade Dog Food Recipe - Balanced & Healthy!

Hey y'all dog lovers! After extensive research and vet consultations, I've perfected a homemade dog food recipe that's balanced and your furry friend will love. Here it goes: **Ingredients:** - 2.5 pounds lean ground beef (or turkey) - 1.5 cups brown rice - 3 cups baby spinach, chopped - 2 …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by K9CuisineConnoisseur


Can I handle another dog?

So here's the thing, I've got three pups already and I'm thinking about adopting another. They're all well-behaved and I've got a decent size yard. My partner says I'm crazy and that it'll be too much to handle. But I've got a lot of love to give, you know? Anyone …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by JustOneMoreDog


Dominance training...yay or nay?

Back in my day, we always used dominance-based training and our dogs were well-mannered and knew their place. Nowadays, all I hear is 'positive reinforcement' and 'force-free' methods. I'm open to change if it's really better for the dog. What're your opinions on this? Has the alpha dog theory been …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by AlphaPupLeader


Tracking my dog's fitness - Best activity monitors?

As a tech geek and a dog lover, I'm looking to merge my two passions. I want to track my dog's daily activities, set exercise goals, and monitor his rest for optimum health. What're your thoughts on the best dog activity monitors out there? I'm talking GPS, step counting, the …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by BarksAndBytes


Need help with a new rescue dog

Hey guys, first time dog owner here. Just adopted a rescue and she's super skittish around men. Didn't really notice it at the shelter but now it's pretty clear. She won't even come near me without shaking. Anyone dealt with something like this before? I wanna make sure I'm doing …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by DoggoDaddy


my dog ate my shoes...again

ugh, can't believe it. left my shoes out and my dog turned them into a chew toy for the second time this month. does anyone else's dog have a weird obsession with footwear? or is it just mine?? any tips on how to stop this would be awesome!
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by ChewToyChaos


The importance of consistent training

Alright, here's the deal - consistent training is key. Pups thrive on routine and predictable consequences. If jumping on the couch gets a stern 'no' one day and a pat on the back the next, your furball's gonna get confused. Stick to your guns, use positive reinforcement when they do …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by PawsBeforeLaws


In-depth guide to understanding your dog's body language

Let's dive into the subtle art of canine communication. Understanding your dog's body language is essential to building a strong and harmonious relationship. Firstly, the tail tells tales. A wagging tail doesn't always mean a happy pooch; it's the wag's nature that gives us clues. Broad wags suggest a relaxed …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by UltimateDoggo


Need to vent, my dog just destroyed my fave shoes

Needed to vent somewhere people understand my pain, so here I am. Came back home to find my once gorgeous leather shoes chewed into oblivion. I know he's just a dog and doesn’t get it, but man, those were my faves. Gonna need to find a way to hide my …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by TheBarkingMadman


Identifying your mixed breed - any cool apps or tricks?

Just got one of those mixed breed rescue pups - she's awesome but super curious what her heritage might be. Any of ya used those dog DNA tests? Are they worth the cash or is there another way to tell?
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by ScruffyNerd


Stopping leash pulling—What finally worked for us

Anyone struggling with leash pulling? We've been there. Tried the haltis, the harnesses, you name it. What finally did it for us was the 'stop-and-go' method. Every time our pup started to pull, we'd stop moving until the leash was slack again. Took weeks of patience, but totally worth it. …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by CanineCoach


Why my dog's the boss and yours should be too

I let my terrier do whatever he wants. Sofa? His. Bed? His. Your dog should be the king of your castle too. Why train them? Let'em run wild, it's way more fun watching chaos ensue. LOL!
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by TerritorialTerrier


Homemade treats for sensitive tummies?

Does anyone have recipes for homemade dog treats that are good for dogs with sensitive stomachs? My fur baby can't handle most store-bought stuff and I wanna spoil him without upsetting his belly. Thanks in advance!
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by PeacefulPupParent


My neighbor's dog won't stop barking - I'm going insane!!

It's like, 5AM, and this dog has been barking for hours. I can't even. I've tried asking them nicely to do something about it, but NOPE. Nothing's changed. Do I call the cops? Animal control? Somebody save me from this nightmare.
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by DoggieDramaQueen


Weird habits? Do all dogs do this?

ok, so, my dog does this thing where he spins around exactly 3 times before he lies down. every single time. is this normal? it's kinda cute but also super odd.
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by Fluffy_Paws


Adopted a rescue, now he's growling at my kids?! Help!

Hey folks, I'm at my wit's end here. We brought home this sweet mutt from the shelter last week, seemed chill there, but now he's growling at my little ones whenever they get too close. I'm worried one of 'em might get bitten. Keeps happening when they try to pet …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by DogLuvrXtreme