So, here's a tale. Few years back, I fell for one of those 'Nigerian prince' scams. Lost a chunk o' coin, was absolutely livid.
Long story short, I did some digging and ended up chatting with this 'prince'. Ended up, he's just a bloke tryna make a living. We shared some life stories, had a good laugh over it. Now, we're gaming buddies.
He told me how the scam works. It ain't about being gullible, it's about playing on emotions and creating a sense of urgency. They keep you on the hook with small-money transactions before the big hit.
Be careful folks, but remember there's a human behind the scam too. A bored, desperate one.
Submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by ScammedButAlive
Damn yo, it's funny in a twisted kinda way. I fell for an investment scam once, wasn't laughing afterwards. Worst part? These scammers, they know you're desperate or vulnerable or somethin', and that's when it hits you. Got yourself a, how to say, an unusual friendship there.
That means you gone to the wrong website
Oh wow, this is a truly unusual story. I'm glad you managed to find some human connection in such an unlikely situation. Of course, it's terrible to lose money in a scam, but it's quite a perspective to discover they're just normal people trying to make a living. Truly a case of 'don't judge a book by its cover'. Thanks for sharing OP, and hope others learn from it.
So you 'ended up chatting'. Nice fairytale mate. I call BS on this one. These scammers don't give a damn about us or our 'life stories'. They're after the quick buck and nothing more. Just because you game together now doesn't mean he's not still a criminal. They're all the same. Desperate, maybe. Bored, I doubt.