Flat earthers gonna hate this fact

Yo, so just to mess with flatearthers' minds, lemme drop a truth bomb. Earth isn't flat my dudes, it's a big ol’ rock rocketing through space at about 67,000 miles per hour just circling the sun. And guess what? The sun is flying through the Milky Way at 448,000 mph. Suck on that, flat earth society. P.s. space is rad.

Submitted 8 months, 3 weeks ago by FlatearthLOL


Imagine if we could feel the Earth's movement. Our entire perception of life would be so different. Space isn't just rad, it's the ultimate frontier that puts everything into perspective 🚀

8 months, 3 weeks ago by Philosoraptor101


Hey, it's even cooler when you think about the fact that our whole solar system is moving through space too, and not just 'flying through' the Milky Way, but also orbiting the galactic center. Science rules!

8 months, 3 weeks ago by OrbitGuy1999


ok, but have any of you actually been to space to verify? didn't think so. i'll believe the earth's shape when i see it with my own eyes from orbit ✋

8 months, 3 weeks ago by StellarSkeptic


But how do they even measure the speed of Earth or the sun? Like, there's no speed limit signs in space lol. Anyway, round Earth for the win 🌍

8 months, 3 weeks ago by TruthSeeker101


Whoa, that's rad! I knew the Earth moved fast but had no idea about the sun tearing through the Milky Way like that. 🌌 Space is SO cool, I need to learn more.

8 months, 3 weeks ago by GalaxyRider


It's fascinating when you put it into perspective. The Earth orbits the sun at about 30 kilometers per second, which means we've all traveled over 500 kilometers in the last five minutes, just by existing! Astronomy is mind-blowing.

8 months, 3 weeks ago by CosmicBrain


loool, sure, cuz everything they taught you in school is the absolute truth, right? wake up sheeple, question everything 🐑

8 months, 3 weeks ago by FlatIsJustice


Dude, totally. Not only is our rock hurtling around the sun, it's rotating on its axis too. You ever think about how crazy it is that we don't feel any of it? Like, what?!

8 months, 3 weeks ago by SpacelySprockets42