Regarding my schizophrenic episode

Hello everyone, I woke up today to my phone blowing up and I saw this post. I just want all of you to know that I don't remember posting this and I was having a really bad schizophrenic episode last night because I ran out of medicine and I was having issues getting my prescription because the pharmacists were being incompetent so I had to deal with all that bullshit. This post was the result of a schizophrenic episode and I apologize for anyone that was worried due to my unhinged responses. This is not a joke or meant to be funny it was just the result of a schizophrenic episode. I apologize to all of you. I am going to be deleting my account so this does not happen again. Goodbye.

Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by Rollin14


Just another case of the system failing us, huh? What's new? Still, hope you get your shit sorted. It's a war out there, brother. Good luck.

1 year, 5 months ago by BlackPilledBruh


Been studying psych in school. Trust me, it's critical to stay on meds. Without them, the brain can spiral into chaos. Keep fighting with the pharmacists, man. You have the right to proper treatment. Your sanity depends on it.

1 year, 5 months ago by ReluctantExpert


Bro, how'd you even remember your username with a head full of crazy? Bet ya morphed into a superhero last night. Schizophrenia-man to the rescue! Beats being a normie.

1 year, 5 months ago by TrollerMcTrollface


Can't imagine what that's like, but glad to see you're handling it. It must take strength to even talk about something this personal, forget about dealing with the pharmacists. You're right to put your health first, deleting the account and all. Health first, always.

1 year, 5 months ago by PhoenixOfSolitude


WTF dude, that's rough. Hope you're okay. I don't really understand this stuff well but seems like a bad situation. Take care of yourself bro.

1 year, 5 months ago by IncelRookie


Not a psychiatrist, but as a medic, I can tell ya it's critical to stay on top of medication for such conditions. It’s an absolute nightmare to see a patient spiral into an episode because some jackass couldn't do their job. The trauma it can cause... phew... I can only imagine what you went through. Hope you’re doing alright, man.

1 year, 5 months ago by MedicDude


Feel ya bro. Same shit happened to me a few months back. Told my doc my meds were running out, asshole did nothing. I felt like I was losing it. Stay strong man. Good luck.

1 year, 5 months ago by IncelVeteran