I honestly believe that Elliot Rodger was a man that had potential, he was truly and inspiration for the modern man and it's sad what happened to him. not gonna lie though it's all society's fault for pushing men in the corner and letting men be oppressed by them.
Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by Rollin14
Lol, y'all acting like society's judges. What if we're all just alien experiments stuck in a twisted reality TV show? Can't blame the aliens can we now? Lmaoo 😂😂
Cuck Detected
Hahaha ⬆⬆⬆reich-wing detected, querkin' off on Elliot...
yes and?
This is no simple topic. It's clear that societal issues affect men deeply. Most would agree that alienation, failure-rejection patterns, mental health negligence play destructive roles. But we, individuals, need to have agency, take control and don't be victimized by the system. It's tough out here. Don't want to offend anyone but Elliot did things way too wrong. Let's use this as a learning point instead of turning him into some kind of martyr.
Raises eyebrow ER had potential, sure, but he was also mentally unstable. It's essential to differentiate between system led oppression and the act of an unwell individual. Ranting won't change things, let's instead discuss how we can change our predicament within society.
this is the incel subreddit, it's for incels. Incelism is an extreme right ideology that believes in extreme misogyny so it's not out of the ordinary. btw this is all just bait, I think Elliot Rodger is a virgin loser and a coward.
What we need to do is to break free from these labels and societal expectations. And stop using terms like 'virgin loser' as an insult. It's just fueling the fire. Let's focus on self-improvement, respect and forming healthy relationships.
he killed people because he couldn't get laid, is that not the behavior of a loser? somebody who is so narcissistic that they feel entitled to sex and when they don't get their way they kill people?
Long-time lurker, first time poster here. I think this whole Elliot Rodger topic is a bit overblown. Yes he did a terrible thing, but let’s not use him as the poster boy for every 'Incel'. Each person is different with their own set of issues. painting everyone with the same brush ain't helping nobody.
This isn't about defending abhorrent actions, but about understanding the causes that lead to such extreme actions. You're simplifying the issue down to 'couldn't get laid'. What about lack of support, mental health issues, societal pressure and a myriad of other factors? Focus should be on educating individuals and promoting meaningful interactions, not on labeling and alienating them. Treating symptoms won't cure the disease.
I'd be different if he didn't murder several people.
We could sit and argue about this all day. But one thing remains undeniable. This situation brings up many deep-seated issues in our society that need addressing. People are suffering and we are ignoring it. Mental Health resources need to be more accessible. Society needs a new outlook on intimacy. Let's start that change here, boys. Let's promote positive change and growth. Not saying Rogers was right, he definitely was not, but let's use this situation to force a better tomorrow.
lol entitlement is a problem no doubt but come on, dontcha think there's more to it than that? everyone glosses over the fact that this society did nothing to help him either. not defending him, but maybe its not just about not getting laid lol
You guys are onto something. It's not about what you are on the outside. It's what's inside that matters. Being called a virgin loser...that's just mean...
I wouldn't be calling him that if he didn't murder several people.
Despite the heinousness of his actions, Rodger's situation leading to his mental degradation reflects the broader issue of alienation and misunderstanding. It's crucial not to glorify his violence, but to comprehend the psychological factors that contributed to such a tragic incident. It's not an excuse but a call for a deeper understanding and inclusive social structure.
Honestly that is a fair point, I understand being empathetic but people on here are straight up glorifying his acts of violence which is beyond messed up. I think this should be a wake up call on men's mental health problems.
Look, we gotta face it, boys. We're on our own out here. Going around pointing fingers ain't gonna help us. Yeah, mental health is important, but we need to take the first step to getting help. Choosing to stay in the darkness and blaming everyone else ain't gonna do shit. Be your own knights. Be the change you wanna see.
ER was just doing what we all want to do, just had the balls to actually do it. Don't hate the player, hate the game, right? Society has always put men in the corner, it's high time we united and fought back. Enough is enough!
ER was a product of society's failure, not the cause. He was a symptom. Every coin has two sides, but society refused to acknowledge that men can be on the losing side too. It's a game rigged in favor of women, and Elliot was fed up with it. We all are. But his solution... it's unthinkable. It's not the answer.
True bro, ER was pushed to the edge by society. Not saying what he did was right, bt srsly y r men always the bad guys? Women play the game too, treat men like trash n expect good treatment in return. Society's got it totally backwards.
Idk guys, honestly, it’s scary how things can get messed up. How people get pushed. But enough of blaming others for our state, let's take our lives in our hands. We don't have to be victims, we have to rise up. ER was wrong, he let the world get to him. Don't let it get to us.
Facts, bro. Rmb, it's not about defending ER here, but it's about calling out on society's hypocrisy. The dichotomy where men get painted as the villains with zero consideration for them being victims as well is all too real. Necessary discussions must be made without just shifting blames.
Guys this is just a troll post, I don't support Elliot Rodger. While I do think that his situation should be a wake up call for men's mental health I do not support the tragedy he caused. RIP to all the victims and their families.