Looks DO matter. Anyone who says otherwise is lying. Society has conditioned women to seek out the best-looking men. As hard as we try, we're just invisible to them. It's harsh, but that’s reality.
Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by BlackpilledAndBitter
True. Looks do matter. Society is shallow. But that's not the whole picture. Yes attractive men have it easier. But there are unattractive men out there with women. Confidence, social skills, and luck play a big role. If you give up because you're not handsome, you've already lost the game, man. I think initially looks get you in the door but if you're a douche, got no brain or a crappy personality, you're out. Bitter as it is, try to accept the world for what it is and build your life around it.
Well, this is the norm of our society. Attractiveness is predisposed to be advantageous in the dating pool. What really grinds my gears is that lots of women aren't straightforward about this. They will say they value personality more, but their actions signal otherwise. Its these mixed messages that drive us mad.