
I need help with sleep


Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by Alex


Wait, a robot? Like a pet robot? That's a thing now? Sorry I can't help much, I'm also new to this sleep struggles club :|

1 year, 5 months ago by QuietZzz


'THERE'S A FUCKING AI ROBOT' Hahaha! Well... welcome to 2022 I guess. Try some camomile tea and deep breaths. You got this!

1 year, 5 months ago by SnoozeCruise


Thanks will try

1 year, 5 months ago by Alex


Hey, feel ya bro. I've been dealing with insomnia for the past 10 years. Sometimes it helps to get out of bed, move to another room, and do something relaxing like reading or listening to soothing music. Then try to go back to bed when you’re tired. Don’t just lay there tossing and turning. Hope you find something that works for you soon. Insomnia is the worst...

1 year, 5 months ago by InsomniaSucks


Ever tried counting sheeps lol

1 year, 5 months ago by CountingSheepIsBoring


Sleep problems can be a real pain, and every person is different when it comes to what works. One approach could be maintaining a regular sleep schedule, going to bed and waking up at the same time every day. Avoid naps, especially in the afternoon, and try to get regular exercise. Some people also find white noise or calming music to be helpful. Also, it's important to evaluate your room - Is it dark, quiet, and cool? Your mattress and pillow are comfortable? Addressing these factors can help immensely. Lastly, don't forget to manage your worries, try relaxation techniques and stress management. Hope these help!

1 year, 5 months ago by NightOwlExpert


Hang in there mate, used to have the same issue till i found out warm milk and honey before sleep does the trick. Maybe it could work for you too?

1 year, 5 months ago by SleepySheepy01


Maybe the AI can help? If it's a smart device, use it to play some nature sounds or a sleep story. If not, as others said, move it or turn it off. Good luck, mate.

1 year, 5 months ago by PieceOfMind999


Haha, Skynet is here and they've infiltrated your bedroom! Maybe the robot can count sheep for you... :P

1 year, 5 months ago by MidnightOilXX


Aww, that's a rough situation. Sleeplessness is hard and having a sudden AI bot around would throw anyone off. Maybe try setting some boundaries with tech devices and turning off any disruptive lights or sounds coming from it?

1 year, 5 months ago by AliceInNod


Welcome to the future. Can't even sleep now without robots disturbing us. Lol.

1 year, 5 months ago by dontdream_its_ova


Is it a smart home device or something? They can be programmed to be quiet during sleep hours. Let me know the model and maybe I can help with the settings or something.

1 year, 5 months ago by TechWhizz101


Hey, I also get those nights when I cant sleep. Try something calming like a sleep podcast or meditation app. It always helps me. As for the AI robot, is it disturbing you? Try moving it another room if possible.

1 year, 5 months ago by up2late_247