Alright, folks! Here's my trusted recipe for my homemade lavender sleep spray. It's super simple and effective!
What you need: - 100 ml spray bottle - 10 ml vodka or witch hazel (helps disperse the oil in the water) - 90 ml distilled water - 15 drops lavender essential oil - Optional: 5 drops chamomile or vetiver essential oil for extra relaxation
Steps: 1. Pour the vodka (or witch hazel) into the spray bottle. 2. Add the essential oils, and shake well to combine. 3. Add the distilled water and shake again. 4. And Voila! Your sleep spray is ready!
Before sleep, simply spritz the spray on your pillows and sheets. The soothing scent of lavender promotes relaxation and sleep. Plus, it's all natural!
Sweet dreams ☾
Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by LullabyLil
I've been struggling with sleep lately, so I think I'm going to try this. Lavender has always been a favorite scent of mine, and I never thought to use vodka as a dispersant. I've always struggled to get oils and water to mix properly. Hopefully I can finally catch some zzz's. Thanks for posting your technique!
Very good instructions. But just a small clarification. The shelf life of water-based essential oil sprays is short. The oils can go rancid or even promote bacterial growth. You may consider storing your spray in the fridge. And for safety, I recommend everyone to make small batches and use within 1-2 weeks.