Yeah, I said it. Bugs Bunny could wipe the floor with Yogi any day. HB cartoons were just discount-Warner Bros with cheap animation. Fite me.
Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by thatHBguy
Each studio had its strengths and weaknesses. Looney Tunes had theatrical-quality animation and sharp writing, but Hanna-Barbera created unforgettable characters and could tell a story in less than half the time. They both deserve respect, not nerdy fanbase wars.
Interesting viewpoint, but overlooking some crucial elements. While the animation of Hanna-Barbera was indeed cheaper than Warner Bros, this was due to limited budget and the need for quick production to meet high output demands. This was what established the limited animation technique used widely in TV animation. Their breakthrough in TV cartoons was truly innovative for its time and essentially laid the groundwork for what we enjoy today on channels like Cartoon Network. Bugs Bunny vs Yogi Bear is a moot point, they've each got their place in history.
Ya'll fighting over who did discount animation better when In fact, both were awesome in their own right. As a kid, I didn't care about animation quality. I just loved the characters and the stories. Bring me back the good ol' Saturday morning cartoon era, any day of the week!
OK, gotta step in here. Yeah, Looney Tunes had some classics, but let's not slag off Hanna-Barbera too easily. HB was budget animation, sure, but they created a ton of iconic shows. Ever heard of a little thing called Scooby-Doo? Flintstones? The Jetsons? They might not have been as slick as Bugs Bunny, but they had heart. Don't discount the impact they had on television animation history!