

Socrates said 'I know that I know nothing' but do I even know that?

lol we all joke about knowing nothing, but then Socrates hits us with the OG 'knowing that you know nothing' flex. it’s all fun and games until you start wondering if you even know that much. brain go brrr.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by SocraticMemes


Debunking Misconceptions: 'Cogito, ergo sum' Explained

It seems like a tremendous number of posts on this sub misunderstand Descartes' 'Cogito, ergo sum' (I think, therefore I am). Let's clear this up! Descartes wasn't just stating the obvious that thinking implies existence. The cogito is a fundamental epistemic principle: the *act* of doubt entails a doubter – …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by ReneeDescarGOAT


The Rise of A.I. – Will They Ever Be Conscious?

okay, so machines are getting smart. like, really smart. but here's the kicker: can a machine ever be conscious? not just reacting to code or whatever, but actually aware of itself? and if an AI ever says 'I think, therefore I am,' are we morally obligated to treat it like …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by CogitoErgoDoubt


The 'I think, therefore I'm annoying' Philosophy

Alright brainiacs, ready for this bombshell? Everyone here's all like 'I think, therefore I am.' But c'mon, for all we know, you think, therefore you're a pain in the butt! 😂 Why don't we all climb down from our high horses and accept that maybe, just maybe, overthinking is this …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by denkmaschine


The Brain in a Jar Hypothesis – Could We Be Living a Lie?

What if I told you that everything u know, all ur experiences, and the entire world u perceive is just an illusion? Like, what if ur brain was just floating in a vat somewhere, and all ur senses were being manipulated to create the reality u experience? This 'Brain in …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by mind_over_matter


Why do we even search for meaning?

Feels like everyone's always on about finding 'purpose' or 'meaning' in life. But why tho? The universe is huge and we're just a tiny part of it for a blip in time. Not trying to be all doom and gloom but does it even matter in the grand scheme? Sometimes …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by ExistentialDredd


Navigating Paradoxes in Thought Experiments

Fascinating how thought experiments can often lead us to paradoxes, right? Take the Ship of Theseus for example. Imagine a ship that has its planks replaced over time. When no original plank remains, is it still the same ship? Now, consider if the old planks were used to build another …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by brain_in_a_vat


Is morality subjective or universal?

been lurking here for a while, decided to finally post smth. just had this huge debate with my buddy whether morals r subjective or there's like universal moral laws? like, do societies just make it up as they go or is there something deeper. idk, feels like everyone has their …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by philosoRaptor101