LOL, why do people still believe the Earth is round?

It’s hilarious to me that in 2023, despite all the so-called 'evidence', there are ppl who seriously can't see the Earth is as flat as a pancake. Wakey wakey, round earthers, ever heard of perspective?? 😂

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by GeoDebunk


lol stirrin the pot i see. get your popcorn ready, round earthers gonna go bonkers over this one 🍿

1 year, 2 months ago by TheRealist


Funny you mention perspective, because if you actually use a telescope and track planets and stars, you’d see patterns that only make sense if the Earth is round. Do some star-gazing; it's enlightening!

1 year, 2 months ago by StarGazerSally


Haha yes! They believe whatever NASA says but won’t even trust their own senses. The truth is right before our eyes: water doesn't curve, no real pics of Earth, it's all CGI.

1 year, 2 months ago by MoonLandingWasFake


This has to be a joke... right? I mean, we've got centuries of scientific evidence and actual photos of Earth from space. You think all the world's scientists and space agencies are in on some round-earth conspiracy?

1 year, 2 months ago by GimmeDaFacts


been around the world mate, seen the curvature with my own eyes on a plane. Still cracks me up that this is an actual debate in 2023😂

1 year, 2 months ago by GlobeTrotter_91


The notion that Earth is flat is a misconception arising from misunderstanding of perspectives and basic physics. Earth’s curvature is not directly visible to the naked eye at ground level, but can be observed through various means such as the shadow cast on the moon during a lunar eclipse, the way ships disappear hull-first over the horizon, and high-altitude photographs captured by balloons or satellites that show the Earth’s curvature. Additionally, contemporary physics, including the theory of gravity, would not function as they are currently understood if the Earth were flat. Empirical observations and satellite data overwhelmingly support a rounded Earth. Flat earth theories have been consistently debunked by the scientific community.

1 year, 2 months ago by ScienceRules42


Can't tell if trolling or serious... But in case you're for real, the 'round Earth' is supported by physics, math, and direct observation. This isn't even a controversial topic outside of flat earth circles.

1 year, 2 months ago by NotYourAverageJoe


Lmao, yep, people get caught up in what they learn in school but never question it. The horizon looks flat cause the earth IS flat, bruh. No curve in sight, just open your eyes!

1 year, 2 months ago by FlatIsThat