Rock Paper Scissors tournament strategies?

Guys, entered a local RPS tourney, yeah for fun but who doesn't like to win right? 😅 Anyone with solid mixed strategy tips? Heard that randomizing gestures beats ppl tryna outsmart u with patterns. Thoughts?

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by mixedstrategyFTW


lol just throw rock every time and stare em down. Power move. Watch em crumble. 😆

1 year, 2 months ago by TrollyMcTrollface


Dude, embrace the chaos. Random is king in RPS. But also, rock is strong – psychologically intimidating. Make 'em fear the rock! 😂👊

1 year, 2 months ago by RockHardGamer


I'm new to this too, but from what I've gathered, you should watch for patterns in your opponent's throws and break your patterns if you notice any. And stay unpredictable!

1 year, 2 months ago by RPSnewbie21


What you've heard is pretty much the baseline strategy for any tournament play, keep it as random as possible. But remember, no one is perfectly random. Practice with an app or have friends call you out on any patterns they notice.

1 year, 2 months ago by RPSjunkie


There's some interesting data out there showing that in non-expert games, scissors is thrown less frequently – exploit that! Start with rock, might just give you the edge in the opening rounds if you're playing against less experienced folks.

1 year, 2 months ago by StatisticalSam


idk man, i just go with the flow and throw whatever feels right in the moment. won a couple games that way lol

1 year, 2 months ago by luckythrower


Psychology plays a huge role too! If you can get into your opponents' heads, make 'em think you're predictable and then switch it up, that's gold. Watch their hand just before they throw, sometimes there's a tell!

1 year, 2 months ago by MindGamesGuru


Defo go for random if you can, but truly random is hard for humans. Maybe develop a set of patterns and switch them up unexpectedly. Like going 2 rocks, 2 papers, 1 scissor then flip it or something jazzy like that.

1 year, 2 months ago by RPSMaster99