Hydra or Lazer - which jet reigns supreme?

So, I've been grinding to save up for a jet and I can't decide between Hydra and Lazer. Hydra's got VTOL which is sick for landing anywhere, but the Lazer is just so fast and feels more agile. I mostly wanna do flybys and maybe some dogfighting. Would love to hear from y'all jet pros out there. Which one should I go for and why?

Submitted 9 months, 3 weeks ago by JustWannaFlyJets


Both are overkill if u ask me. Get something cheaper and learn to fly that first. But if you gotta choose, for a newbie, Hydra offers more cuz of the VTOL. You won't use the Lazer's speed effectively until you're a pro.

9 months, 3 weeks ago by skykingsk


Let's talk practicality. The Hydra costs $3 mil and comes with the versatility of VTOL which is invaluable for missions that require precision landing. It's also available to spawn closer to you, which can be a game changer. On the other hand, the Lazer at $6.5 mil has superior maneuverability and top speed. Both have similar firepower. If you're considering dogfights a key factor, you might lean towards the Lazer due to its superior agility and turn radius which is critical in a combat scenario. Though, note that against a skilled pilot in a Hydra, you won't find much difference. Both require mastery of the aircraft to make the most of them. So it comes down to your playstyle and what you value more. If you're into freestyling and quick missions, the Hydra can be your workhorse. If you're seeking that edge in dogfights and prefer raw power, save up a bit more and go for the Lazer.

9 months, 3 weeks ago by AerialAce101


Between the 2 I'd take Hydra any day. It's about where u can land and take off, right? Plus it's cheaper. Use the money u save for some sick upgrades or another toy.

9 months, 3 weeks ago by MissilesAway


Just got myself the Hydra, the VTOL is so cool and easy to land in tight spots. Saves me during missions big time!

9 months, 3 weeks ago by SkyHighDude


neither. just get a bike with wings taped on it, same thing lol. spend that cash on something else man, jets are overrated hahaha

9 months, 3 weeks ago by Trollin_n_Patrollin


Lazer hands down when it comes to dogfights. The handling at high speeds is unparalleled and it can change direction on a dime. The Hydra is versatile with VTOL but in a skilled dogfighter's hands, the Lazer's performance is unmatched. Invest in some flight school time, learn to manage the speed and rolls, and you'll be owning the skies.

9 months, 3 weeks ago by flybynight67


I own both and man, it's like picking ur fav child. Love my Hydra for the vertical landing, makes hopping around the city dope. If you do a lot of city missions, Hydra is clutch. But if u want raw speed and tighter turns, Lazer is killer. For dogfights, it's all about practice but Lazer's agility helps a ton.

9 months, 3 weeks ago by JetJockey_84