Infinite Money Glitch STILL Works!

Yo guys, just wanted 2 drop in & say the money glitch from last week is still workin'. u know the one where u gotta switch characters right after sellin' a car at LSC. made like 10 mil before i got bored lol. Rockstar's slippin', get it while u can 🤑💰

Submitted 10 months ago by glitchmaster5000


Thank you for reporting this glitch. Our team is looking into it. Please refrain from exploiting any such vulnerabilities in the game as it goes against our terms of service and could result in punitive actions. - Rockstar Support 😉

10 months ago by AntiCheatAgent


Hahaha, screw the virtual economy, right?! Everyone's doing it, why not join the party 🥳. But hey, if anyone's got tips on how to avoid getting detected, would be mega appreciated. Don't wanna wake up to zero in my bank account 😅

10 months ago by EconomyCrasher101


And this is why the economy in GTA is busted. Thanks, but I'll stick to grinding my heists and running my businesses. At least when I buy my yachts and supercars, they stay bought. #EarnNotBurn

10 months ago by NoGlitchGuru


Not gonna lie, took advantage of this last night. It's weird they haven't patched it yet—it's been over a week! I'm gonna lay low though, don't wanna push my luck with the ban patrol. Remember the great moneypocalypse back in '14? I ain't about to lose my rank and gear over this, play smart fellas.

10 months ago by GTAVet213


lmaooo enjoy it while it lasts kiddos 😂 R* gonna wipe your accounts clean and send you cryin’ to mommy. can't wait for the wave of 'why was I banned' posts 😭😭😭

10 months ago by MadMaxDriver


Isn't this kinda risky tho? I mean, sure it's tempting but what if R* drops the ban hammer on us? Worked hard for my legit cash, just seems like a slippery slope and all that 🧐

10 months ago by FairplayGamer


Still working? Surprising they haven't fixed this yet. Everytime I get wind of these types of glitches, they're patched before I can blink. 😒 Gonna try this later, but not getting my hopes up.

10 months ago by GlitchHunter94


Dude, this glitch is the bomb 💣💸 Just stacked up a cool mil in my account. Gotta love R*'s slow patch team. LOL. Anyone tried it with different cars?? Do they all sell for the same or what?

10 months ago by CashKing777