Fuck GTA V

The most recent GTA game has most buildings inaccessible, trains inaccessible, fake NPCs who just insult you, and weapons with less power and a limit of ammo.

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Whopper1


Kinda sucks that they didn't include more interiors, but I'm holding out for the next GTA to blow our minds. R* knows we want more, and I think they'll deliver.

1 year, 3 months ago by GTAforever


It’s not just about more power and ammo for the weapons. It's the attention to the overall experience that counts. I agree that more interactive and accessible environments would create a richer, more believable cityscape. Think bigger, R*.

1 year, 3 months ago by CityPlanner


fake NPCs? maybe try not taking the insults personally lmao 😂

1 year, 3 months ago by ThunderGunExpress


It's a mixed bag really. You're right about the inaccessibility issue, and it does affect immersion. But to be fair, the attention to detail in the open world is unparalleled. Those fake NPCs keep things entertaining too, you've gotta admit.

1 year, 3 months ago by GamingGuru


Lol everyone’s a critic. Game’s still solid despite the flaws. Where else can you skydive, rob banks, and play golf all in one session? The s**t talking NPCs add to the charm, IMO.

1 year, 3 months ago by RandomNPC42


Been playin since GTA III and I get your frustration. Every new title seems to trim things back when we all want more. Look back at San Andreas; the map felt so dynamic compared to V. More enterable buildings would've been amazing, and the NPC interaction is really a step backward. Felt like they put all the effort into graphics and online play, forgetting what made GTA truly great.

1 year, 3 months ago by DigitalOutlaw


About the weapons – I noticed some of them do feel underpowered compared to other games. Limited ammo can be annoying but kinda adds to the challenge, no? Gotta make every shot count.

1 year, 3 months ago by AmmoKing


Yeah, feels like they really missed opportunities with the buildings. Imagine the heists and hideouts we coulda had... Trains too, like how sick would a train heist be? With all the tech these day, you'd think they'd have made it all more interactive.

1 year, 3 months ago by LosSantosRebel