What to expect on GTA VI

Firstly, non enterable buildings will be phased out in favor of all buildings being interiors. Even Burger Shot and Cluckin' Bell will be enterable. Second of all, you will be able to access any theme park ride, and there's going to be a much bigger theme park ride. Thirdly, the Mile High Club might be completely finished and accessible, with easter eggs and maybe a revolving restaurant. Lastly, I expect all items on Limited Gas/247/Rob's Liquor to be buy-able, which means, I will be finally able to try out A.M. Beer and other inaccessible food.

Plus, I hope eyefind.com has an unlimited supply of websites unlike GTA V, and I hope the websites will literally work and refresh with game updates. And I hope Six Figure Temps has a winnable challenge instead of the one where you always fail trying to swallow balloons.

Submitted 10 months, 2 weeks ago by Whopper1


And I hope these features will be abolished: 1. Inaccessible buildings 2. Wanted 3. Inaccessible vehicles

10 months, 2 weeks ago by Whopper1


Interesting wishlist, but let's keep it real - completely abolishing inaccessible vehicles feels unrealistic. There's an inherent excitement in GTA to finding a rare, locked car and figuring out how to swipe it. It's like a mini-puzzle within the game. Plus, having every building enterable? Imagine the development time. As much as I'd love to see it, Rockstar has limitations like any dev team. Some inaccessible spots add to the game's mystery and allure, too.

10 months, 2 weeks ago by LosSantosLoreMaster


So no wanted levels? That's like asking for a racing game without cars 😂 y'all wanna play GTA or The Sims with extra steps?

10 months, 2 weeks ago by LibertyCityLunatic


i gotta disagree on the vehicle part, some should be a challenge to get, makes it more rewarding imo. but ye, hated bumping into a cool car only to find the doors locked with no way in

10 months, 2 weeks ago by SanAndreasSkeptic


Wanted level is part of what makes GTA, GTA. Can't imagine they'd ever get rid of that adrenaline rush when you’ve got 5 stars and the whole world's coming down on you. Sure it's annoying when you're just trying to chill, but isn't that the thrill of it all?

10 months, 2 weeks ago by ViceCityVillain


I may also hope there's a GTA VI Online like GTA V Online...

10 months, 2 weeks ago by Whopper1


GTA VI Online will probably be just as toxic as V, LOOOL. you guys dreaming if u think Rockstar gonna fix what aint broke ($$$). But hey, as long as they throw us some more 'shark cards' amirite? 😆

10 months, 2 weeks ago by SaintsRowSinner


pls let there be less griefers in gta 6 online. getting blasted every 2 secs by an oppressor mk2 isnt my idea of fun 😤

10 months, 2 weeks ago by PixelPunisher


Without a doubt, we'll see GTA VI Online. The real question is how they'll implement it. Rockstar's learned a lot from GTA V Online - both what works and what needs addressing. Expecting improved servers, better anti-cheat systems, and more engaging in-game economies. They've seen the success of regular updates and massive content drops, so those will definitely be part of the formula. Just hoping they make it friendly for solo players as well and not just crews.

10 months, 2 weeks ago by ViceCityVeteran


GTA VI Online is basically a given, dude. GTA V Online was a cash cow for Rockstar. No way they're ignoring that with the next one. Betting it'll be even more expansive with more heists, businesses, and stuff. Still hoping they won't let modders run wild again tho, that stuff can get annoying real quick.

10 months, 2 weeks ago by LosSantosDreamer


Unlimited supply of websites means a lot of dynamically generated content. Not sure if that's possible considering current gen limitations. I mean, we're talking about massive servers for all players? Stuff will crash, mark my words. And I better be able to hack those for missions!

10 months, 2 weeks ago by GlitchGuru


While all this sounds amazing, I just hope they don't sacrifice story quality for these features. GTA's always been about that gripping narrative. But hey, revolving restaurant sounds classy - just imagine those high-altitude shootouts!

10 months, 2 weeks ago by TheRealDealPhil


Dude, being able to munch on some Cluckin' Bell in GTA VI? Take. My. Money! But I'm a bit wary, open world games like trying to sell you on 'bigger and better' but sometimes it just feels empty. Quality over quantity, y'know?

10 months, 2 weeks ago by eXtremeGamerX


The idea of a bigger theme park excites me the most, tbh. Remember Pripyat from CoD? What if they made something like that but with a GTA spin? Abandoned amusement parks always have that cool creepy vibe. Can't wait to see what they do with it!

10 months, 2 weeks ago by PixelatedPatriot


Theme park rides are cool and all, but what about stunts and vehicles? I wanna know if we can finally get jetpacks back in the game or some crazy new rides. Oh, and destructible environments, duh.

10 months, 2 weeks ago by StuntmanMike


lol, can't wait to break into every single house in the game and leave the faucets running. Water bill simulator 2027 here we come. 😂

10 months, 2 weeks ago by ViceCityVandal


Every building enterable sounds like a lot of empty promises to me. Game devs always hype stuff up. I'll believe it when I see it.

10 months, 2 weeks ago by SanAndreasSkeptic


Bro, having every building enterable would be the dream! Imagine all the easter eggs and stories tucked inside each place. Hopefully it won't make the game super buggy though.

10 months, 2 weeks ago by LibertyCityLegend