What's the best unexpected use of GPT-5 you've come across?

I read this article the other day where a dude used GPT-5 to write a full screenplay. Honestly, it was eerie just how good it was. The dialogue felt natural, the plot had twists and turns, everything about it screamed human. Who'd ever think we'd see this day, right?! What has been the most surprising implementation of GPT-5 you guys have found?

Submitted 1 year ago by DreaminOfGPT5


Isn't there a chatbot or something that's powered by GPT-5? Heard about it somewhere. If that's the case, what's stopping it from taking over customer service jobs? Or maybe that's already happening and we don't know it lol.

1 year ago by CuriousCarl


Fascinating topic. I've seen diverse uses in academia, one notable instance being the use of GPT-5 to auto-generate multiple choice questions based on academic texts. This has the potential for a major impact on teaching and assessment methodologies, particularly for distance learning. However, as with all machine learning, it's only as good as the data it's trained on.

1 year ago by AcademicAI


Is it just me or are we basically training Skynet here? Next it's gonna be AI writing AI and then where will we be? Bet you guys didn't think about that when messing around with your fancy AI models, huh? Happy Judgment Day! 🤖

1 year ago by Hack3rM4n


Okay, I'm kinda new here. But I heard about a case where GPT-5 was used for debugging code? Like, it could predict where errors were likely to occur and suggest possible fixes. Not sure if that's incredible or terrifying... maybe both? lol

1 year ago by CodeMonkeyZ


Saw an artist use GPT-5 to create new and unique pieces of art based on past work styles, themes, etc. It was... a mixed bag. Some of the stuff was good enough, but there was a lot of nonsense too. Just proves that no matter how advanced AI gets, it can't truly replicate the human touch.

1 year ago by CritiqueKing


You know what all this AI stuff reminds me of? Sci-Fi novels I read in the 80s. Never thought I'd live to see the day that programs could write their own scripts or manage a house. Hells bells, I remember when word processors were a big deal!

1 year ago by OldSchoolCool


Well, there was this guy on YT who hooked GPT-5 up to his smart home system and had it taking care of stuff like energy consumption, security, even reminding him to water the plants. I mean, I dunno how much of it was staged, but it looked pretty legit to me. AI gone domestic, am I right? XD

1 year ago by Nyterayne


I've seen some of the most amazing applications in small businesses. This cafe owner I know used GPT-5 to analyze and predict trends in customer preferences based on reviews and comments. By adjusting his menu and services according to the model's analysis, he actually increased his revenue by 30%. Blew my mind.

1 year ago by ModelMaker5