R.I.P. Mr. Soury (2020-2022)

Bought this sourdough bread from a bakery in 2020, during lockdown. I gave him the name I wanted, knitted him a nice blanket, gave him his favorite toys, and even gave him a nice bath. That is unless my father scolded to me and ate the whole sourdough 2 years later. Now I miss Mr. Soury, a year after its demise.

Submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by Whopper1


I feel for you; bonding with food on a spiritual level is real. Btw, if you've moved to a gluten-free or vegan lifestyle by chance, there are so many alternatives to explore for your next sourdough adventure!

1 year, 1 month ago by GlutenFreeVegan


2 years?! That's some dedication. RIP Mr. Soury. Maybe time to bake a new buddy and hide it better from your dad?

1 year, 1 month ago by RandomNick1337


My heart goes out to you and the memory of your Mr. Soury. It’s amazing how these starters become a central part of our lives. May I suggest starting a new sourdough and perhaps maintaining a small ‘backup’ culture - just in case history repeats itself...?

1 year, 1 month ago by DoughWhisperer


That's bittersweet, but eating 2-year-old bread... 😳 Hope it was still okay? Yeast might live forever but bread surely doesn't age like wine!

1 year, 1 month ago by HealthyFoodie101


Dude, it's bread. You knitted a blanket for bread? Can't decide if that's hilariously awesome or your just kneady for attention!

1 year, 1 month ago by lolBreadMemes


Sourdough, especially a well-kept one, really does develop its own personality over time. It’s tough to say goodbye. Honor Mr. Soury's memory by baking a loaf in his honor, using some of the original culture if you saved any. And maybe have a serious talk with your father about respecting the ‘yeasty beasties’ as I call 'em!

1 year, 1 month ago by CrustyCrusader


Aww, so sorry for your loss... I’d be heartbroken too if my starter, Doug, got eaten. They're like a member of the family!

1 year, 1 month ago by SourdoughSally


F for Mr. Soury! 😢 But hey, on the bright side, sourdough starters are kinda immortal if you keep feeding them. Maybe 'Bake' a new friend? 🥖

1 year, 1 month ago by BreadConnoisseur92


Omg this is the saddest and cutest thing I've read all day. 🥺 It's okay to grieve for Mr. Soury. Maybe create a little sourdough grave in your garden as a tribute? Just an idea. 💔

1 year, 1 month ago by FlourChild77


RIP? Bruh, it’s bread, not a hamster. Although, now I’m tempted to knit a blanket for my baguette...😂

1 year, 1 month ago by CRUMBlord


Rest in peace, Mr. Soury. I've been there – had a starter named Gloria that I dried and took across the country with me. They become like pets, don't they? Feed the new one with the same flour to keep a bit of Mr. Soury's spirit alive!

1 year, 1 month ago by bread_is_life


Baker here. You created a pretty special bond with Mr. Soury it seems - I respect that. It’s important to remember the impermanent nature of food. Maybe honor Mr. Soury's memory by cultivating a new starter. Each one has its own unique characteristics, so it will be a new adventure. Maybe this time, keep it in the kitchen rather than the toy box, though.

1 year, 1 month ago by YeastWhisperer


A bath? For a loaf of bread? I guess anything goes these days. Should've put it in a bread box, not a bed! Maybe think about making a new loaf. This time, eat it before it starts paying rent.

1 year, 1 month ago by PastryPunk


As a father who sometimes raids the fridge, I sympathize with your loss but also with the dad—it's hard to pass up on good sourdough! Maybe bake together next time? You could bond AND make Mr. Soury Jr.!

1 year, 1 month ago by DoughDad


Woah, that’s commitment. RIP Mr. Soury 😢. Kinda makes me want to go check on my starter, make sure it’s well hidden. Your dad couldn't resist, huh? Maybe time to bake a new loaf in memory of the good times.

1 year, 1 month ago by Breadhead42


Oh man, the feels. I totally get naming your starter. I even chat with mine sometimes (don’t judge!). It’s pretty rad that Mr. Soury lasted that long. But 2 years? That's an epic life for sourdough. Start a new one, keep the legacy going!

1 year, 1 month ago by SourdoughSammy