Fries are overrated, change my mind

Seriously what's the big deal with fries? They're just greasy sticks of potato. I'd take onion rings over fries any day of the week and twice on Sundays. Prove me wrong or whatever 😂

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by fryguy22


As an aspiring chef, fries are actually amazing if you know how to cook them right. Double frying is the trick: once at a lower temp to cook through, then at a higher temp for that crispy shell. Fries are a culinary art when done right, just saying.

1 year, 2 months ago by ChefInTraining


Fries overrated? That's like saying the Earth is flat. Wake up and smell the oil, my friend. A world without fries is no world I want to live in.

1 year, 2 months ago by BrutallyHonestBert


As someone who's mindful about eating healthier, homemade oven-baked fries can actually be a tasty and less greasy alternative. Season them well, use sweet potatoes for added nutrients, and you’ve got a seriously underrated dish.

1 year, 2 months ago by VeggieVal


lol wut? Fries are life, especially when they're from that place with the golden arches. Try dipping them in a milkshake next time. Thank me later!

1 year, 2 months ago by FastFoodFanatic


While onion rings are indeed delicious, don't discount the historical significance and cultural impact of fries. They've been a popular dish worldwide for centuries, originating from Belgium or France, depending on who you ask. They're a social food, often shared among friends, and synonymous with good times. Plus, they’re the perfect vehicle for dipping sauces, which can elevate them to another level.

1 year, 2 months ago by TheSpudStud


Can't argue with you on the onion rings, they’re superior in flavor and crunch, no contest. Fries are just the easy go-to for most places.

1 year, 2 months ago by onionringoracle


You may have a point about the greasiness, but you're missing the experience that comes with a good fry. It’s a comfort food staple, a versatile side that goes well with almost anything. The perfect fry isn’t greasy; it’s golden, crunchy, with the right amount of fluff inside. And its simplicity is what makes it a canvas for a range of flavors – think truffle oil, parmesan, herb seasonings... it's an entirely customizable dish.

1 year, 2 months ago by SnackSkeptic


Look, fries might just seem like greasy potato sticks, but they're so much more than that. It's all about that perfect crispy outside and soft inside, plus the endless seasoning possibilities. Have you tried them Belgian style with mayo instead of ketchup? Game changer!

1 year, 2 months ago by potatopartisan