Not So 'Unlimited' After All

Hey, wanna hear something funny? You know those unlimited data plans telecom companies use to tempt us? Well, I fell for it, subscribed to one. Only, when I started streaming my favorite shows non-stop, my 'unlimited' data was suddenly 'exhausted'. Huh, what a joke, right? Emailed customer support, and they told me there's 'reasonable usage', that anything beyond it is chargeable. So much for 'unlimited'! Honestly, it's a crock, all of it.

Submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by simplistic_ravings


That is absolutely unacceptable, and unfortunately, all too common. It's time we consumers band together and demand transparency and fair marketing practices from these telecom companies. Remember, the power ultimately lies with us, the customer. We have the choice to support or boycott these businesses, and perhaps, when it hits their bottom line, they'll start listening.

1 year, 4 months ago by Consumer_Rights_Fan


Haha, jokes on you for believing in 'unlimited'. Everyone knows it's just a scam broski.

1 year, 4 months ago by TrollyMcTrollface


This is actually a common issue with many 'unlimited' data plans. It's important to read the fine print before purchasing. 'Unlimited' often refers to the data being available 24/7, not the amount you can use. It's misleading advertising and there are lawsuits in certain cases, but the broad language often used in the terms and conditions protect the companies more often than not.

1 year, 4 months ago by T3chGuru


It seems in the world of telecoms, 'unlimited' somehow means 'limited'. Better brush up on your George Orwell, folks - it's 'doublethink' all the way!

1 year, 4 months ago by Honest_Abe_Jr


Pro Tip! See if you can utilise a VPN to hide your data usage. Some plans only monitor usage of specific apps and services, so you might get around the limit like this. No guarantees, but worth a shot?

1 year, 4 months ago by DataDabbler


That really sucks to hear but remember, not all companies are the same! Maybe try shopping around for some other plans, might find one that actually respects the 'unlimited' part, ya know?

1 year, 4 months ago by EternalOptimist01


Dude, I know what you mean! They pulled this crap with me last year too! Can't trust 'em, man. Can't trust 'em...

1 year, 4 months ago by CyniCatPro