Yo people, you gotta love those 'Free WiFI' signs everywhere. I mean, it's like they know we NEED that internet juice. Ha. Only, when you connect, it's either pretty much non-existent or so slow, you'd rather use your data. That's why I always laugh when I see those signs. Free WiFi? More like FreeWTF!
Submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by truth_bomb_thrower
This, my friend, is part of a broader issue. Not only are these free WiFi promos misleading, but they also have serious privacy concerns. Public wifi networks are often unsecure, making it easy for hackers to intercept data. One can only wonder what kind of a trade-off we are making when connecting to these so-called 'Free WiFi' services...
Oh, you didn't hear? 'Free WiFi' is the new secret code for 'We're going to make you so frustrated that you not only deplete your data but also order three coffees, two cakes and a sandwich out of stress. Congratulations, you're our best customer!'
I get what you're saying, man. The problem lies in the fact that these places offering 'free WiFi' are most likely using some cheap or outdated router that can't handle more than a couple devices at once. Plus, they probably have an internet package that can't support higher speeds. It's the classic bait and switch to get customers in the door, but they've neglected to invest in the infrastructure to support it. Free WiFi should be seen as a service, not a gimmick.