

Not So 'Unlimited' After All

Hey, wanna hear something funny? You know those unlimited data plans telecom companies use to tempt us? Well, I fell for it, subscribed to one. Only, when I started streaming my favorite shows non-stop, my 'unlimited' data was suddenly 'exhausted'. Huh, what a joke, right? Emailed customer support, and they …
submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by simplistic_ravings


Free WiFi Everywhere!!!!

Yo people, you gotta love those 'Free WiFI' signs everywhere. I mean, it's like they know we NEED that internet juice. Ha. Only, when you connect, it's either pretty much non-existent or so slow, you'd rather use your data. That's why I always laugh when I see those signs. Free …
submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by truth_bomb_thrower


Those Magical Fiber Cereals?

Ok, first post here, but I gotta vent about something. You know those cereals claiming to be super rich in fiber and good for your metabolism? Yeah, they're full of crap. Was chowing down on one brand for a month thinking it's healthy. Turns out, it had more sugar than …
submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by cereal_lover


So-called 'Energy Drinks'

come on guys, do you really think guzzling a can of sugar is gonna give you 'wings'? These drinks slap on images of extreme sport athletes and trigger that adventurous side of your brain. but dont forget, it's just marketing hype. And sure, there's caffeine, but alongside a ton of …
submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by no_hype


The Anatomy of a False Advertisement: A Case Study

Let's delve into the deceptive world of 'free trials'. We've all seen those 'free trial' offers online, right? They promise you can try the product for free and only pay if you're satisfied. Well, here's a case worth examining. I came across a skincare product offering a 14-day free trial. …
submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by dont_fall_for_it


Shady Travel Site Prices

Hey folks, so I recently picked up some plane tickets on this site, right? The prices looked awesome – $50 off any flight to New York. Snagged myself a sweet deal and all was well. Or so I thought. Turns out, that was just the price for the 'booking fee'. …
submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by sneaky_commercial