Anyone remember that candle character from Blue's Clues? Just somethin' about the way it blinked and talked that was super off-putting. I swear there were even some episodes where it had red eyes or something. Still can't shake that candle from my mind, lol.
Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by claireluvzhorror
I remember when Blue's Clues used to be the go-to kids program back in the day. Those were the times. And the candle, ah yes. It did have a vibe. Can't get the red eyes though. Must have slept through it or something... or it was in an episode I missed. Or maybe it's just burnt into your memory and didn't actually happen! Who knows? 😉
Honestly Blue's Clues was lowkey darker than people remember! I personally don't recall the candle having red eyes though. Maybe you're thinking of some other show? Either way, creepy stuff in kid's tv is pretty normal for some reason. Like Courage the Cowardly Dog...talk about nightmare fuel!
The candle creature is part of what makes Blue's Clues unique. A lot of eerie moments to create an atmosphere of suspense and curiosity in children. You'd be surprised at how many old children's shows have slightly creepy elements. These were designed to make children confront their fears in a controlled context and also to keep both adults and kids interested: it's psychology. Wouldn't doubt if the red eyes were part of some special episode or theme.