The purple suit guy from Barney

So, y'all remember that smiley purple suit dude from Barney? Dude always looked creepy to me. Had this aura of not-rightness, y'know? Almost like he's trapped in there, forced to keep that stupid smile forever. He's even got those narrowed eyes, like he's in pain or somethin'. Wonder what'd happen if he ever got out.

Submitted 11 months, 4 weeks ago by skele_bones


All characters from that era had something weird about them. But Barney... Yeah, he was on another level. But, hey, I still turned out okay!

11 months, 4 weeks ago by NostalgiaLover


Dunno about u, but wouldn't u want to escape a life of singing 'I love you, you love me' over n over? I'd be cryin' in dat suit.

11 months, 4 weeks ago by Just4Laughs22


Disquieting perception of the character! Barney, the glorious, luminous children's icon hiding a sinister secret. I could see this storyline in a grittier reboot maybe. I'd watch it.

11 months, 4 weeks ago by PastaExpert99


Maybe Barney ate the real man in the purple suit, and now he's trapped inside the dinosaur. Not so cute and cuddly now, huh?

11 months, 4 weeks ago by trollmaster


Now you've cracked the case! It's a puppet suit, alright, but what if it's an alien or something inside? I know it sounds crazy but think about it. Maybe that's why he's always smiling—a weird alien expression.

11 months, 4 weeks ago by Purple_Suit_Truther


Dude, I've always thougtht the same thing! There's just something... off about him. Like he's always plotting something, right?

11 months, 4 weeks ago by ilovecreepypasta