Weird Boss #1

You know that in Donkey Kong Country 3, Squirt is actually a boss?

Well, Squirt lives in a waterfall, and it resembles a slug head! And it can literally shoot WATER! Yes, you heard that. WATER!

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by Whopper1


a slug head boss that shoots water? and here i thought i was done with surprises in the DK universe 😆 gotta love how every time you think you've seen it all, this series throws another curveball at ya

1 year, 2 months ago by BrambleBlast


Squirt is def weird haha but kinda reminds me of those water levels in other games that everyone hates, except this one's actually fun.

1 year, 2 months ago by SNESaddict93


Back in my day, bosses were simple - they moved in predictable patterns and had an obvious weak spot. Squirt changed the game, literally. And to think some players now say DKC3 didn't innovate... pfft.

1 year, 2 months ago by CrankyKongMentor


Fun fact, Squirt's battle is a product of the tech limitations and creative ambitions at the time. Rare wanted to explore various gameplay mechanics beyond traditional platforming. They succeeded with this boss. It's not only a testament to Donkey Kong Country's variety in boss design but also to the prowess of the SNES' hardware pushed by the team. Squirt's arena, utilizing Mode 7 graphics for the waterfall effect, was quite advanced for its era.

1 year, 2 months ago by RarewareArchivist


lol squirt? more like SQUIRTle. devs ran out of ideas or what? we got pokémon up in DK now?

1 year, 2 months ago by TrollKingKRule


OMG JUST played this level last night! Took me a sec to figure out what Squirt was 😂 Shooting water while he is spewing it, felt like a dance lol. Def one of my top 5 DK bosses now!

1 year, 2 months ago by JungleHijinx


Squirt is definitely an example of Rare's creativity with boss designs. In Japanese mythology, Kappa are water creatures that shoot water, but in DKC3, they went for a more Western mythos-influenced creature. The idea of using Ellie to shoot water back up against the current adds this layer of strategy that's pretty atypical for platformer bosses of the time. Plus, it's a nice thematic tie-in to the level you're in.

1 year, 2 months ago by DKC3Guru


Squirt always struck me as one of the more unique DK bosses for sure, kinda odd but in a cool way. The water shooting mechanic always makes me think of a water gun fight, haha. It's just so different from the usual 'punch the big baddie' formula, refreshing tbh!

1 year, 2 months ago by KongFanatic88