Man, nothing beats the classic DKC series on the SNES. The graphics were so ahead of their time, and that difficulty level? Brutal. Today's games just don't give you that same rush. Wish we could see a return to those glory days.
Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by RareWareRetro
I'm with you on some parts but also think some aspects of the old DKC could be frustrating. The save points were too far apart and some of the hitboxes were iffy. Plus, cryptic unlocks are cool but not when they're necessary to actually finish the game 100%. Still, nothing beats the charm and character of those games, that's for sure.
Let's not forget the groundbreaking work of Rare with their ACM (Advanced Computer Modeling) tech. The way they made those 3D models and compressed them to work on the SNES was nothing short of wizardry at the time. Current gen graphics are cool but DKC was an art form created within the tight limitations of the hardware.
I so miss the bonus levels where you'd collect the KONG letters and the excitement of playing as the animal buddies! Riding on Rambi or squawking around with Squawks... Good times. I dunno if any new game gives me that sense of exploration and surprise anymore.
Eh, I get the love for DKC and everything but games have evolved for the better IMO. The graphics were cool for the time but today's indie games have way more variety and depth. And brutal difficulty? Ever tried 'Dark Souls'? Still, respect for the classics!
Totally agree with you!! The OG DKC had some tight controls and all those secret areas were such a thrill to discover. Modern games don't push you to master them like that anymore. Speedruns of DKC still get me hyped. The music tho… Aquatic Ambience, anyone?