King K. Rool did nothing wrong

FACT: The Kongs are hoarding bananas and K. Rool is just tryna feed his people! Discuss.

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by TheRealKingKRool


Back in my day, we wouldn't even entertain this kinda nonsense. Heroes were heroes, villains were villains. You whipper-snappers with your 'morally grey' bad guys need to go back to the classics and see it's all about the fun and games, not this philosophical mumbo-jumbo. Bananas are for eating AND for throwing at Kremlings, end of story.

1 year, 2 months ago by CrankyKong77


K. Rool is the real hero, he's doin' a public service by redistributing wealth from the 1% banana elite to the needy Kremlings. #OccupyDKIsland

1 year, 2 months ago by RoolRules


Sorry, but no. King K. Rool is a classic villain, and taking stuff that ain't yours is wrong, plain and simple. The Kongs worked hard for those bananas, it's not wrongdoing to keep your hard-earned stuff safe. That'd be like saying Bowser did nothing wrong when he kidnaps Peach!

1 year, 2 months ago by DKFanatic64


This is a gross oversimplification of the situation. The Kongs have every right to their bananas - they collected them! K. Rool is instigating theft and piracy, that's pretty wrong in my book. Even if it's for his 'people', there are other ways to get food than steal.

1 year, 2 months ago by SeriousSam


lol maybe k rool needs to start a banana farm instead of stealing. get those kremlings to work, yknow? eco-friendly and all that jazz 😂

1 year, 2 months ago by JustaPrimate


Y'all are missing the important lore details here. The bananas are more than just food; they're a power source, a symbol of prosperity for DK island. K. Rool isn't starving; he's power hungry and greedy. He wants to control the island, and taking the bananas is a strategic move. Look it up, it's all in the manuals and backstory stuff.

1 year, 2 months ago by DKCPro


K. Rool is misunderstood, he's a king trying to look out for his subjects. The Kongs got a near endless supply, why not share with the Kremlings? Fair's fair, isn't it? Plus, the whole fighting and stealing thing makes for a great game plot, amirite?

1 year, 2 months ago by KremlingKrew


While you got a point about the banana hoarding, it's the Kongs' stash, not K. Rool's. Just 'cause he's hungry doesn't mean he can just come and take them. It's not like DK isn't sharing with the other animals on the island.

1 year, 2 months ago by BananaBuncher