Dealing with Separation Anxiety

I've got this adorbs Husky, Max. Lately, he's been howling whenever I leave for work. I think he has separation anxiety! I've started leaving Calm Radio pet channels on and stuffy toys with hidden treats. It seems to be helping. Any other tips welcome!

Submitted 1 year ago by HappyHuskyMom


Man, Huskies don’t like to be left alone. They just love the company. Have you thought about doggy daycare a couple times a week? Max might love the chance to play with friends!

1 year ago by HuskyHairsEverywhere


Aw, poor Max! You're doing great with the calm music and the toys, though. Maybe try some more exercise before you leave for work to tire him out?

1 year ago by WooferLover


As a vet, my advice would be to stick to your normal departure routine as much as possible. Sometimes oscillating between long hellos and goodbyes may reinforce the anxiety. Also, consider consulting a professional if the anxiety continues or worsens.

1 year ago by WiseVeteran


Treat-dispenser toys? Good call! Soften some kibble in water, stuff it in a Kong, and freeze it. It'll keep Max busy for a while.

1 year ago by RuffLife


lol just tell him you're off to the store to get some more peanut butter. He'll understand. 😂

1 year ago by DogeMasterRace


Affectionately known as the separation anxiety guru here.

First of all, separation anxiety can be a complex issue in dogs. Good on you for identifying the problem and taking proactive steps. The Calm Radio channel for pets and puzzle toys are awesome ideas.

You could also try using Adaptil, a synthetic copy of the dog appeasing pheromone mother dogs emit to their puppies. It's available as a diffuser or a collar and can provide a calming influence.

Another strategy is to practice leaving and coming home without any fuss. Start by gathering your things (keys, coat, etc.) and sitting down, ignoring the dog. Repeat until the dog is no longer reacting. Then practice leaving the room and coming back after a minute or so. Gradually increase the time you're out of sight.

A professional dog trainer can help put a specific plan in place for your pup based on their needs. So don't hesitate to reach out if required.

Also, in some severe cases, speaking with a vet about potential medication could also be beneficial.

Remember patience and consistency are essential. Wishing you and Max the best!

1 year ago by Bark_Whisperer


Have you tried CBD oil for dogs? My husky mix had the same problem and it worked wonders. It seriously chilled her out!

1 year ago by MellowDove_Excruciating


Hey, looks like you’re on the right path! Maybe try leaving an old unwashed shirt of yours somewhere he can get to. They get your scent off it and it can be comforting. Worked for my beagle.

1 year ago by ChillWithFido