Guys, I am freaking out. Buster is my first dog, he's an 8 yr old collie and he's been acting weird. He's eating less, won't go on walks, and has been sleeping a lot. Should I take him to the vet or am I just an overly worried dog dad? Any advice?
Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by WorriedDogDad
As an academics, studying canine behavior, lethargy in dogs is a common sign of many underlying issues. It may simply be an age-related downturn in energy, but it can also be a symptom of more serious health issues, like heart diseases or arthritis. Please contact a professional veterinarian immediately to get the most accurate diagnosis.
Long-time dog trainer here. There could be dozens of reasons your dog may act this way. It might be behavioral or it could be health-related. You know your dog better than anyone. If you think something's off, I'd say trust your gut and get a professional opinion.
Hey there! Vet here. Changes in eating habits, activity levels, and sleep patterns certainly might indicate that something's not right. I'd suggest you take Buster to the vet just to make sure everything's okay. It might be nothing serious, but it's better to be on the safe side, right?