Ursula's 'Poor Unfortunate Souls' is the BEST Disney villain song. Period.

There are a lot of great villain songs out there but none of them top 'Poor Unfortunate Souls'. Ursula's charisma, the catchy tune, the dark undertones...it's just perfect. Plus, Pat Carroll nails it with her performance. Anyone else got this as their top villain number or is it just me?

Submitted 9 months, 1 week ago by UnderTheSea_Fanatic


'Poor Unfortunate Souls' is only famous because everyone loves an octopus lady giving makeovers. Ursula’s song is nothing but dramatic flair with no substance. Change my mind.

9 months, 1 week ago by JafarSuperior


I do love 'Poor Unfortunate Souls' but I think every villain song has its own strengths. Like, 'Gaston' perfectly encapsulates his character's buffoonery and egotism, and 'Mother Knows Best' from Tangled with the twisted maternal manipulation is just chef's kiss. It's difficult to pick just one!

9 months, 1 week ago by SpellsNRscales


YASSS!! Finally, someone said it. Ursula's song makes all other villain songs look like child's play. The sea witch slays and everybody else can just go home. The power she has, the influence...she's unmatched!

9 months, 1 week ago by DisneysVilliansRule


From an animation perspective, 'Poor Unfortunate Souls' is a marvel. The way they animated Ursula's every move, her expressions, and the timing with the music - it’s a textbook example of character animation doing everything right. Pat Carroll's performance is just the cherry on top.

9 months, 1 week ago by Anim8rExpert


The song's a masterpiece for sure, but let's not sleep on 'Hellfire' from Hunchback or 'Friends on the Other Side' from Princess and the Frog. The emotion in Frollo's voice and the smooth creepiness of Dr. Facilier are just top-tier as well.

9 months, 1 week ago by MelodyOfTheDeep


First time poster here! I just had to jump in because 'Poor Unfortunate Souls' is what made me fall in love with Disney villains to begin with. Pat Carroll just brings something to Ursula that I haven't seen in any other Disney villain. It's like she's actually having fun being bad and it's so compelling!

9 months, 1 week ago by FloatsamJetsam


Ehhh, I'm gonna have to disagree on that one. Scar's 'Be Prepared' is the epitome of a villain bop. The hyenas, the goose-stepping, that green smokey aesthetic - now that's a showstopper.

9 months, 1 week ago by ScarIsTheRealKing


Totally agree! The melody gets stuck in your head for days. And the way Ursula just oozes with that sinister vibe while being super theatrical? ICONIC. Not to mention the animation that goes along with the song, pure perfection!

9 months, 1 week ago by SeaWitchFan47