DIY Denim Disaster - Jeans to Bean Bag

Full Guide: Turn old jeans into a bean bag. Cut the legs, sew them into a patchwork sphere, fill with beans. Sounds comfy and cost-effective! 4 hours in, you got a lumpy, uneven monstrosity that's too embarrassing to display. Stick to pants, folks.

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by CraftyKaren


Sounds rough, but hey, you learned something! Experience: you now know 1) how not to make a bean bag and 2) patchwork requires patience. Next time, maybe try simpler shapes or call a sewing-savvy friend! Not all is lost.

1 year, 3 months ago by FrankieFixIt


Honestly, who has time to turn jeans into furniture lol? Just donate the denim and buy a bean bag if you need one that bad.

1 year, 3 months ago by RealTalkRandy


Denim is rough to work with but not impossible. For a more even fill, use a combo of different sized materials: mix the beans with old pillows or foam for cushioning. The key? Super tight stitching—to keep everything where it should be. Make sure your machine can handle multiple layers of denim, or you’ll break needles faster than you can say 'DIY disaster'

1 year, 3 months ago by StitchWitchery


Tried this once with an old pair of overalls. If you think jeans are lumpy, overalls are a whole new level of 'why did I think this was a good idea'.

1 year, 3 months ago by CheapThrillsorBust


new here and honestly kinda discouraged, was about to attempt this but sounds like a recipe for disaster?? anyone got a foolproof diy or should i just stick to repurposing jean pockets lol

1 year, 3 months ago by No-Sew-No-Go


4 hours and that’s what you got? Shoulda spent those hours finding a better DIY. Denim deserves more respect than to end up as a failed bean bag experiment, my friend.

1 year, 3 months ago by DenimDude95


Aw, don't give up! I made a bean bag from my kids' old jeans and sure, it was lumpy at first, but adding more beans kinda evened it out. It's now the centerpiece of our family room haha. Throws do wonders to cover up the jankiest parts! Keep at it, you'll get there!

1 year, 3 months ago by CraftyMama


lol I tried that once. Turned into a bean blob instead of a bag. Patchwork is trickier than it looks unless ur some kinda denim wizard 😂

1 year, 3 months ago by JeansGoneWild