Full Guide: Turn old jeans into a bean bag. Cut the legs, sew them into a patchwork sphere, fill with beans. Sounds comfy and cost-effective! 4 hours in, you got a lumpy, uneven monstrosity that's too embarrassing to display. Stick to pants, folks.
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by CraftyKaren
Denim is rough to work with but not impossible. For a more even fill, use a combo of different sized materials: mix the beans with old pillows or foam for cushioning. The key? Super tight stitching—to keep everything where it should be. Make sure your machine can handle multiple layers of denim, or you’ll break needles faster than you can say 'DIY disaster'
Aw, don't give up! I made a bean bag from my kids' old jeans and sure, it was lumpy at first, but adding more beans kinda evened it out. It's now the centerpiece of our family room haha. Throws do wonders to cover up the jankiest parts! Keep at it, you'll get there!