Tried that DIY lava lamp trend with oil, water, food coloring, and alka-seltzer. Messy, smells weird, and the colors mixed into a brown goop. Not the 70s throwback vibe I was going for.
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by DIYFailFish
It's all about trial and error! I suggest using a skewer to mix the colors gently to avoid immediate blending. Also, try a different brand of food coloring - some are more oil-soluble than others. Don't give up - the messy part of DIY is generally how you learn what not to do next time!
As some1 who digs vintage, it hurts to see a lava lamp goop tragedy 😔 It's all 'bout getting the density right, so the 'lava' can flow properly. Was the oil you used too dense maybe? Hit a thrift shop and grab a real 70s one, it's a cool hunt and no DIY mess!
Hey there! It sounds like there might have been a reaction between the Alka-Seltzer and the food coloring. Different brands use different chemicals, so maybe try another brand? And if the smell's a problem, make sure to do it in a well-ventilated space. The key is balance and precision. Just a few drops of food coloring, and add the Alka-Seltzer slowly to control the reaction. Good luck!
Hey, making a lava lamp at home is a tricky business! The key is to go slow on the food coloring. Just a couple of drops to keep the colors from getting muddy. What was the ratio of oil to water you used? Maybe tweak that a bit. Keep trying, you'll get the psychedelic effect eventually!