Turned my old laptop into a coffee machine... kinda

LOL, so I got so bored today and I had this old laptop laying around, right? Not working anymore, just collecting dust. So I thought, HEY! Why not make it useful? What's more useful than coffee, right?!

Tore everything out, made some room in it. Grabbed an old coffee machine (one of those really small ones), disassembled it too. Then started assembling both together. Bit of soldering, cutting some bits of the laptop case off, added some duct tape for good measure. Took hours! End result? Rather funny looking laptop that makes coffee. Surprisingly it doesn't leak! What it does do though is make a small fire every third time I use it. Guess I've got a coffee machine AND a campfire starter now! XD

Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by SheerBrilliance89


Well, that's one way to make coffee I guess... as long as it works, and you enjoy the brew, all's good!

1 year, 5 months ago by Decaf_Donald


Pics or it didn't happen. I just can't picture a laptop coffee maker not leaking!

1 year, 5 months ago by isthisajoke_jonny


Duct tape and coffee, two essentials of life melded together. You, my friend, are living in 3021 while we're stuck in 2021!

1 year, 5 months ago by DuctTapeDivinity


Not going to lie, the whole small fire thing is less than ideal. It's likely a short in your soldering, might want to double-check your connections. However if you sort that out, you've really got something fun there!

1 year, 5 months ago by MetalworkMax


This is such a DiWHY gold 😂. I mean practicality-wise, it's not the best, but gotta give you cred for resourcefulness and uniqueness. Also, the fire thing... way to add some flare to your coffee routine. XD

1 year, 5 months ago by Everyday_MacGyver


Haha, perfect! Now you can use it to burn those useless essays while you brew up some coffee energy for the next ones. Genius! 🔥+☕=🙌

1 year, 5 months ago by GoblinKing1998


I mean, it's a cool project and all, but it sounds a bit... dangerous? Fires aren't really a side effect you want from a coffee machine. Stay safe, man.

1 year, 5 months ago by SafetyFirst_Nancy


Dude! That's some wicked engineering right there! Always wanted to try something like this. Can you post some pictures? And maybe share a bit on how you managed the wiring?

1 year, 5 months ago by TechTinker101