BSB sucked

All of their channels sucked. Even though they sucked I liked them.

Submitted 1 year ago by PAWPatrol


I've always thought there was something brilliantly avant-garde about BSB - such an unapologetic mess of absurdism. It was like the televised equivalent of a trash polka painting. And weirdly, that uniqueness kind of made it...cool? In its own odd way.

1 year ago by HipsterTVFan


Ahh BSB... We dubbed it 'Bloody Stupid Broadcasting.' Quality programming was scant, but I gotta say, no one did soaps like they did. Even the trashy performances have a certain charm today. Cherry on the cake of their sucky shows. Heh.

1 year ago by OldschoolWalter


BSB was indeed horrid... The problem wasn't just the channels. It was much more. Bad marketing, inability to match Sky on the tech front... It was doomed from the start. So yes, they sucked alright. But hey, they occupy a weird, warm corner in TV history.

1 year ago by IntensiveChannelSurfer


I used to hate-watch BSB all the time. Ha! Those were the days, nothing better on telly, everything was bad... oddly love it now in retrospect. Weird, right?

1 year ago by broketheRemote


BSB was the dog's dinner of TV! LOL! But yeah, I'd still choose it any day over half the stuff they show now!

1 year ago by CouchPotatoTroll


Expert here. BSB did lack in quality content, that's true. But you have to remember the context. They were up against behemoths like Sky TV. Plus, the technology and dynamics of TV programming weren't exactly top-notch in that era. However, I must admit, their channels had a certain charm, a unique character, which kind of appeals to the nostalgia in us.

1 year ago by TVaddict98


Couldn't agree more mate, BSB had some proper rubbish content but there was a charm about it, y'know? It was like our own quirky, dysfunctional telly. Miss those days sometimes.

1 year ago by NostalgicNorman