Ok, just stumbled across this show called 'Loose Women' and heard it originally started on Granada Breeze. Never heard of it . Did anyone actually watch it? Wikipedia aint kind! lol
Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by Digi_tea
Still remember the time when Granada Breeze was a proposed thing. Such a specialized channel, wouldn't really work today would it. Finally wilted away. Was it bad? I believe any channel depends on the viewer - programming can be atrocious for one and marvellous for another.
Granada Breeze was an interesting channel to say the least. It was mainly targeted at women and largely focused on lifestyle programming. It was up against some tough competitors at the time though. Regarding 'Loose Women', it is indeed one of the shows that started on Granada Breeze and gained enough popularity to move into the ITV daytime schedule, where it's remained popular for years. Is it universally loved? Certainly not, but that's the nature of television doesn't it?