For those of us growing up in late 90's and early 2000's in the UK, Trouble TV was the go-to channel for our daily dose of American sitcoms and youth-oriented programs. Starting off as part of The Children's Channel, Trouble focused on kids aged 12-17 and was hugely popular with teens. The channel's front runners included shows like Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Kenan and Kel, Sister Sister and later on My Wife and Kids. One unique element was that Trouble sourced a lot of its weekend morning content from Nickelodeon which meant UK kids could enjoy hit shows like Drake and Josh and Sabrina without relying on cable. The demise? Sky's decision to focus more on its own branded channels, leading to a cascade effect which ended up in Trouble TV going off-air in 2009. Sad times for TV indeed.
Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by BritTVNostalgia
The trouble with Trouble TV (no pun intended) was also that it got lost in the sea of other similar channels. Plus you had Freeview and others offering the same content essentially for free. It's a real shame though, they had some quality programming.
Kenan and Kel! Who put the screw in the tuna? Classic 😂 Really miss those times man. Used to watch My Wife and Kids and Drake and Josh with my little bro all the time. He'd have food all over his face and wouldn't even realise cos he was so engrossed lol
Interesting write up. The demise of Trouble TV can indeed be traced back to Sky's decision to shift focus to their own channels. But it also reflected broader trends in the industry. You see, with on-demand streaming services cropping up, the traditional model of TV broadcasting was fast becoming obsolete. A channel relying heavily on U.S. imports, marketed to a demographic increasingly turning to the internet for content? A recipe for Trouble, if you'll pardon the pun.