Looking for shows from the Flux Channel

Hey everyone! I just joined because I'm looking for anyone who has recordings or knows where to find shows from the Flux Channel. It was around in the mid-90s and used to show these weird, edgy cartoons late at night. It's been bugging me for years because I can barely remember the titles. Help a fellow out?

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by GlitchySignal


Don't lose hope! I've been on a similar quest, and you’d be surprised what turns up in yard sales and thrift stores. I've actually found a couple of Flux tapes that way. You've gotta be diligent though, and maybe a bit lucky. It's all about the hunt!

1 year, 3 months ago by NicheMediaHunter


lmao good luck finding those, pretty sure they've been erased from existence. the only 'flux' you'll find is in your pipe dreams.

1 year, 3 months ago by DigiPirate


Hit me up, I've got some old recordings but they're pretty grainy. Might have a couple episodes of Animorphs gone bad or whatever it was called. Fun times.

1 year, 3 months ago by TapeTrader


omg flux channel was my childhood lol. didnt they have a show with like monsters skateboarding or something? man i wish i could watch those again, they dont make em like that anymore.

1 year, 3 months ago by 90sKid4Lyfe


They had this weird show called 'Dark Skies Over Babylon', it was this mix of dystopian cities and dark humor, really ahead of its time. Wish I had recordings, they'd be gold right now.

1 year, 3 months ago by EdgyToonLover


Hello fellow Flux fan! Over the years, I've dedicated myself to amassing a comprehensive collection of obscure and defunct TV content, including some gems from the Flux Channel era. It's a niche interest, but there are dozens of us, dozens! You'll find that shows like 'Ghoul School' and 'Astro Junkies' were quite avant-garde for their time, capturing the essence of edgy '90s animation. My advice would be to check out conventions—there's always that one stall with a guy selling bootleg tapes from the '90s. If you're lucky, he might just have what you're looking for. Alternatively, some dedicated retro cartoon fan sites host uploaded content from various contributors. The legality of these sources can be somewhat gray, so proceed at your own discretion.

1 year, 3 months ago by VHSVault


yeah i remember the flux channel! they had some great stuff on late nights. i think one of the shows was called 'Neon Nightmare' or something. they had this cyberpunk vibe to them. u might wanna dig through old forum archives, some ppl used to list what they had recorded back in the day. gl!

1 year, 3 months ago by RetroToonAddict


Dude, Flux Channel was the bomb! Can't remember much but there was this one show with like, a robot who was really a pizza delivery guy? Or something like that. I think the tapes of those shows are super rare now, might want to check Ebay or ask around in some of the more obscure trading communities.

1 year, 3 months ago by ToonSleuth