Kids' WB, a lost treasure

Super nostalgic about Kids' WB. Can never forget those Saturday morning cartoon marathons. 'Jackie Chan Adventures', 'Xiaolin Showdown' - they don't make 'em like that anymore. It sucks how streaming's kinda buried that whole experience. Nothing beat the hype of waiting a whole week for your fav show to air.

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by SATURDAYmornings


The demise of Kids' WB marked a critical shift in children's television programming. It's important to recognize that the serialized storytelling and character development in shows like 'Batman: The Animated Series' and 'Gargoyles' paved the way for the more complex animation you see today. Each episode was an event, part of an ongoing dialogue between the animators and the audience. Truly a lost art in the world of instant gratification.

1 year, 3 months ago by AnimationAfficionado


Saw a couple of these on a retro streaming service recently, they're cool and all but animation's come a long way. Plus you gotta admit, on-demand is way more chill lol.

1 year, 3 months ago by GenZ_Viewer


It's like kids today will never understand the struggle. No DVRs, if you missed an episode, that was it, you had to hope for a rerun. And the crossover events??? Epic. The build-up was half the fun!

1 year, 3 months ago by YesterdaysKid


lol jackie chan, more like jackie lame. you ppl live in the past much? get with the times xD

1 year, 3 months ago by toon_trollinator


Kids' WB was legendary. Not just Jackie Chan and Xiaolin, but Static Shock, Batman Beyond... Can't believe networks let go of such an iconic block. It was an era-defining experience and unfortunately streaming can't replicate the community vibe we had - everyone watching the same thing at the same time. Plus, remember the cereal promos and toy commercials? Part of the experience!

1 year, 3 months ago by 90sToonLover


idk, streaming is pretty convenient tho. you can binge-watch shows anytime 🤷. gotta admit i do miss some of the wb intros, they were lit.

1 year, 3 months ago by modern_streamer92


Totally with you on this. Remember the hype when Pokémon episodes would drop? The good old days of waking up early and racing to the TV. Streaming just isn’t the same.

1 year, 3 months ago by SaturdayMornCartoons