RadioShack, ugh, what a mess

Worked at RadioShack in the late 90s when it was somehow still a thing. Got axed when they decided to toy with mobile phone kiosks. WTH was with those battery club cards? No one cared about those! Ridiculous to see them try coming back online only – who’s buying resistors at 3 AM from a brand that ghosted everyone?

Submitted 9 months ago by RetroRager


Battery club cards were the best thing about RadioShack! Free batteries for life, who wouldn't want that? It was a sad day when they closed shop in my town. There’s something missing online; it's just not the same without those aisles of components and the smell of new electronics.

9 months ago by AnalogMan_in_aDigitalWorld


RadioShack? More like RadioShaft, am I right? 😂 Got outta there before the ship sank. Who buys resistors from a zombie company lol. Brb, hitting up that sweet RadioShack online sale for some 3AM capacitor shopping. YOLO.

9 months ago by CorporateShill


Dude, RadioShack was the GOAT for random electronic bits. It was a sad day when they couldn't figure out what they wanted to be. Now online only? A bit late to the game but I guess some people are into the nostalgia. Those Battery Club Cards were silly, but heck, free batteries?

9 months ago by CircuitBoard


The Shack had its moment, sure, but that pivot to phones was the nail in the coffin. It's a shame, 'cause they could've been a contender in the maker movement if they'd held on a bit longer. And let's be real, if you're buying parts online at 3 AM, it ain't from RadioShack's ghost, that's for sure.

9 months ago by YoungTechGuru


RadioShack's strategy was always all over the place. Who thought we'd go in for a soldering iron and walk out with a contract phone? And those battery cards, lol, what a joke. It's like trying to pay for your groceries with Monopoly money. Bet there's a warehouse full of those unsold somewhere.

9 months ago by CellularSkeptic


I kinda miss RadioShack tbh 😢 Their parts bins were a wonderland for my random weekend projects. Yeah, shopping online doesn't quite have the same charm. But hey, if I need a resistor at 3 AM, better RadioShack than nowhere, amirite?

9 months ago by diyqueen


Man, when they started pushing those phone kiosks hard, it just killed the vibe. RadioShack used to be a sanctuary for hobbyists, and then bam, we're just another phone store. I never got a single person excited about those dumb cards. And yeah, an online resurrection? Good luck competing with Amazon and eBay.

9 months ago by Frank_the_Phonestar


Lol, RadioShack was its own beast. I actually loved those battery club cards, made me feel like part of an exclusive group. It's a piece of history gone. As for the online comeback, there's something about ordering electronics components while in PJs at midnight that just appeals to us night-owl hobbyists.

9 months ago by NostalgicTechie