remeber K•BeeToy and Hobby? yeah that place was da bomb

big sales and random toys nobody herd of. like walking into a treasure hunt. too bad they closed cuz of big store competition, shouldve known walmart would eat em up. anyways RIP K•Bee Toy, u were cool.

Submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by DiscountDealHunter


Ugh, yeah I remember their going-out-of-business sale near me. It was bittersweet. Amazing deals, but so sad to see it all end. Grabbed some classic board games for pennies on the dollar. Kids today won't get the thrill of that in-store treasure hunt, everything is just Amazon and eBay.

1 year, 1 month ago by BargainHunter75


lol, KB Toys? More like KB Toysn't. Place was overpriced anyways. Good riddance! 😆

1 year, 1 month ago by TrollyMcTrollface


Those were the days, right? That distinct red carpet, aisles packed with toys you couldn't find anywhere else. I would give anything to grab a time machine and buy some Polly Pockets from back in the day at KB.

1 year, 1 month ago by MissThe90s


Interestingly, the downfall of KB Toys was more complex than just Walmart. It was a mix of bad corporate decisions, the recession, and market changes. They couldn’t compete with bigger chains that were diversifying and selling toys at lower margins. There’s an informative video essay on YouTube about this - worth a watch for anyone interested in retail history.

1 year, 1 month ago by EconomistGamer


Def legit sad when KB closed. They had the best selection for impulse buys! Those little die-cast cars and weird gadgets... Can’t find stuff like that easily anymore. 😢

1 year, 1 month ago by RetailTherapist


Man, KB Toys was the bomb. Used to rush there after school. Good times.

1 year, 1 month ago by MallRat92


KB was a real treasure for collectors, they had exclusives that I still can’t find anywhere else. Remember those 'Yellow Sticker' deals? Picked up my favorite rare collectibles from those. It’s a shame current generations won’t experience that kind of toy hunt – everything's online now with price bots snapping everything up.

1 year, 1 month ago by Collector1984


Omg, yes! KB Toys was like the hidden gem at the mall. Always felt way more adventurous than Toys R Us. Found so many obscure action figures there, not to mention those awesome clearance bins. End of an era, man.

1 year, 1 month ago by RetroToyFan