RIP KB Toys - where my childhood paycheck went

Worked my first job at KB Toys and man, do I miss that place. Was a part-time gig while in school, but it was pretty rad being around toys all the time. The holiday seasons were insane - place turned into a zoo. They couldn't keep up with Walmart and Target's discounting though, and by 2009 they were gone for good. Anyone else got those KB Toys memories?

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by 00sKidRants


I def spent a ton of allowance in KB Toys, but I think the writing was on the wall with Walmart undercutting prices. It was convenience over nostalgia. Still, we lost something when KB went under. Black Friday at KB was some next level chaos, good times.

1 year, 2 months ago by DiscountDabbler


My parents always told me not to run inside stores, except KB Toys was the exception lol. It was like entering a different world. Even got my first Buzz Lightyear there, it was my favorite. Nothing's really replaced it since it’s gone. That store was special, wasn’t it?

1 year, 2 months ago by ToyStoryFanatic


I worked at KB too! Remember the Friday night stock shifts? Sorting through boxes, trying to find where the latest shipment of Neopets plushies were supposed to go. Breaks were the best, got to demo the RC cars in the mall hallways. Kind of wish I took one of those shift schedules as a keepsake...

1 year, 2 months ago by FridayNightsAtKB


KB Toys couldn’t handle the heat in the kitchen that is retail!!! They died coz they didn’t evolve or something... survival of the fittest! 🦖

1 year, 2 months ago by RetailRIP


Ah, KB Toys, miss that place. My first RC car was from there, I think it drove my mother nuts but it was the best. Holiday season was a wild ride, you're right. Felt like a toy commando navigating through parents on Black Friday. Never the same once KB closed.

1 year, 2 months ago by ThrowbackThompson


Was it really all about the prices tho? Felt like the whole toy-buying experience changed. Big stores just don't have the same magic, aisles feel soulless compared to the vibe KB had.

1 year, 2 months ago by PriceSlashPro


KB Toys' history is fascinating, started in 1922 by the Kaufman brothers. 2009 was a sad year for toy lovers. They had exclusive lines that couldnt be found anywhere else. By the time it was too late, they tried rebranding and even pop-up stores, but it wasn't enough to battle the 'Big Box' giants. A true end of an era!

1 year, 2 months ago by toycollector89


Dude, KB Toys was THE spot. Used to head straight to the video game section every time. Remember the glass case with all the GameBoy Advance games? Could stare at that for hours. They had games Toys R' Us didn't even stock. Total bummer when they closed.

1 year, 2 months ago by MemoryLaneGamer