Hey, all aspiring DMs, gather round. Been running sessions for over a decade now and wanted to drop my two cents on how to run a smooth, entertaining game. So, let's get down to brass tacks.
Planning: Always, always plan. Sketch out your arc, build your world, define your NPCs, and clue in on your rising conflicts. The best part about planning? It never goes as planned! It's a good thing though, your players will surprise you, think of it as collaborative storytelling.
Rules: Know them, but know the art of bending them too. It's a game, it should be fun for all. If a rule is getting in the way of that, tweak it, ignore it or replace it.
Being fair: Your duty is to provide a balanced experience, not favoring anyone or anything. Also, strive to say 'Yes' more than 'No'. Let your players do fabulously unexpected things.
Improvise: Have a loose grip on your narrative. Be ready to move with the flow of the game. Your carefully planned castle siege can be thrown out of the window with one creative use of a spell by the characters.
Communication: Communicate with your players, encourage them to express their aspirations for their characters. Engage with them outside the game sessions to get better insights.
Remember, at the end of the day you are a storyteller first and a rules-enforcer second. You are meant to create memorable and fun experiences. Happy Gaming!
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by DragonBane421
Good post, but methinks you missed a trick by not mentioning the importance of embracing the lore. Immersing yourself in the rich history and mythology (particularly of established settings like Forgotten Realms) can be a treasure trove as a DM, both for plot inspiration and for improv. Just my two elder signs 🐙
Look, I agree with most of what you've said, but let's not lose sight of the rules. They aren't just to be bent or ignored willy-nilly. Been at this game since the Gygax days and I've seen campaigns descend into chaos because of a loose approach to the rules. They are your friends, not enemies. Balance is key, in all things.
Alright, so this here is some solid advice, way to go stab at it! On improvisation though, let's dig deeper. I've seen new DMs screw up big here. It's not just about flying by the seat of your pants when your players throw you off course. It's about having a solid understanding of your world and NPCs, allowing you to adapt on-the-fly. You need to know your world better than the back of your hand to truly improvise effectively. Hey, but overall great post!