Guys, rush to aisle 7! They're handing out those new pineapple sausages. BOMB diggity! Gonna grab a pack on my way out. Sample Squad Assemble!!
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by SampleSal
Any chance these are vegan? It'd be a nice change from the usual lack of options.
If anyone spots a price, let us know! Just hope it's not another tempting but pricy delight. 💰
Back in my day, sausages were just meat, no fancy fruits or spices needed.
Nutrition facts anyone? It sounds tasty but I hope it's healthier than it sounds. 🍍🌭
Thanks for the tip, honey. I need all the help I can get feeding these kids. They love anything that's new and different!
Really? Pineapple in a sausage? What's next, pineapple on pizza? Oh wait...
Pro-tip from a seasoned Costco-er: if they're handing out samples of a product, it's either about to go on sale or be discontinued. Prepare accordingly, fellow Sample Squad members.
Oh man, I've been waiting to try these! Beats the ol' plain turkey sausage any day. Better make sure I stock up if they're as good as you say. 🍍🌭