What's With These Energy Prices?!

Sorry for the moan but just got me energy bill through the door and it's outrageous. How's everyone keeping warm without taking out a second mortgage? Got me hot water bottle and four layers of jumpers on!

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by DraughtDodger


I've got a spreadsheet goin' for this exact reason—loggin' all me expenses and whatnot. It's grim, but batch cookin' and chillin' in me most insulated room with a space heater has made a difference. Consider switchin' suppliers too, sometimes you can grab a better deal even now.

1 year, 2 months ago by FrugalFreddy1984


Alright, mate, look into smart thermostats if you haven't already. Set it to heat up just before you're home and drop when you're tucked in bed. Could shave a bit off the bill. Plus it's pretty neat to control it from your phone.

1 year, 2 months ago by TechWhizz


You think that's bad? Try living up north. I've forgotten what warm feels like. Feet are blocks of ice. These energy companies are having a laugh at our expense!

1 year, 2 months ago by ChillyBilly


It's literally chilling how much we're charged. Have you thought about joining a local energy co-op? Could be a more sustainable and community-oriented way to deal with the energy crisis. Plus, gotta look after our planet, right?

1 year, 2 months ago by EnviroWarrior92


I feel you, it's absolutely bonkers! Me mum's been knitting like it's going out of fashion, makes these really chunky blankets. Says it keeps her hands busy, saves turning the radiators on, and the extra bonus—I've sorted all me Christmas gifts for mates this year!

1 year, 2 months ago by NiftyKnitter


Don't get me started on the energy conspiracy! Prices are a joke. Tell you what though, those energy companies can't charge me for sunshine. I'm saving up for solar panels. You watch, I'll be off-grid and laughing next year!

1 year, 2 months ago by ElectricityIsTheft


Thermostat's dropped down to 'only-if-I'm-turning-into-an-icicle' levels. Use draft excluders for the doors. They're a godsend. And cooking? Big pot of stew or soup. Heats the house, fills the belly and it's proper thrifty.

1 year, 2 months ago by HotWaterHarry


Complete nightmare, innit? Been stackin' up on them thermal layers from the charity shops—found a pure wool jumper for just a quid! Also, if you're not too fussed, close off rooms you don't use much and stick to one heated room, definitely cuts down the bill a bit.

1 year, 2 months ago by MoneySavingMad