This Rain Is Doing My Head In

Sick of it. Every time I step outside, it's like the clouds are waiting for me. Left me brolly at the pub last night, and got absolutely soaked this morning. Someone send over a bit of sun, will ya?

Submitted 9 months, 3 weeks ago by brollydodger


Embrace the rain, I say! There's something quite peaceful about it once you get past the initial soaking. Mind, I've got a stash of brollies and raincoats just about everywhere, too. Be prepared, like the Scouts!

9 months, 3 weeks ago by RainOrShineBecca


Swing by 'Spoons for a cheap brella, mate. Also, a pint to drown the rainy sorrows. Always works for me till it's time to run through the downpour again.

9 months, 3 weeks ago by WeatherspoonsWally


Sun? In the UK? You must be new here, haha! Might as well order a lifetime supply of brollies and wellies at this point!

9 months, 3 weeks ago by GrumpyGills247


Honestly, this weather can have effects on mental health too. It's not just inconvenient, it's really getting people down. There are SAD lamps that emulate sunlight; might be worth investing in one if this weather's impacting your mood significantly.

9 months, 3 weeks ago by SunshineSeeker82


Oh no, that sounds dreadful! Here's a tip: buy several cheap umbrellas and leave them in strategic locations – home, car, workplace... even your local if they’ll let you. That way, you’re never caught out in the rain!

9 months, 3 weeks ago by BellaWithTheBrolly


Ah, keep yer chin up, it's not all bad! I wear my shorts regardless of the rain. Pretend it's a summer shower, works a treat!

9 months, 3 weeks ago by SunnyInScotland


Mate, that's British weather for ya. You let your guard down for a sec and it's game over. I've started treating my brolly like a part of the family – even got it a name. Better luck next time!

9 months, 3 weeks ago by ManchesterManiac