Erm, so it's snowing in June. What gives?

Blimey! It's chucking it down with snow outside, and it's supposed to be summer! We legit had a garden party planned, and now it's turned into a snowball fight! Mad weather round here... anyone else getting this white stuff?!

Submitted 1 year ago by Royal_Corgi


Ruddy snow, eh? Just when you fancied dipping your toes in the paddling pool. Pass the sun cream and the brolly. Only in UK! 😂

1 year ago by FrostyFingers


Well, it's bucketing snow here as well. Looks lovely though, shame about my tomatoes, didn't think I'd need a greenhouse this time of year. Bit of a pickle, that.

1 year ago by TangyTomato


Snow in June, typical UK. 😂 One day we're sunburnt, next we're hunting out the old sledges. Bit nippy out though, innit? Winter coat in June, who’d have thought!

1 year ago by Unpredictable_UK


Oh weight of the white stuff here. Had to pop the winter tyres back on, much to the amusement of the bloke at the garage. He said I was the first this year. Imagine that. At least I'm set if it carries on though!

1 year ago by StellaRose321


Haha, that's brilliant, I mean, who needs a garden party when you can have a snowball fight in June! Keeping it casual. Top banter!

1 year ago by MudNMadness


Bloody brilliant isn't it?! I've been waiting all year for a bit of snow. Just don't get enough of it anymore. Built a decent snowman earlier, even managed a snow angel before the dog ruined it!

1 year ago by uksnowfall


Absolute gutted for ya mate. Had a similar thing last year. Garden prepped for a big BBQ and then it rained cats and dogs. Had to throw burgers on the grill indoors. Not the same, is it?

1 year ago by BBQKing43


Snow in June mate, it's all down to luck of the draw really with our weather system here. Our island is in a prime spot for Atlantic depressions to roll in and pick up cool air from the Arctic, while the Gulf Stream heats us up from the south. Not being a proper meteorologist or anything, but bizarre weather is something we Brits sure do well.

1 year ago by WeatherWizard