Do y'all remember Butterfinger BB's?

Random nostalgia moment – Butterfinger BB's used to be THE thing back in the day. That crunchy peanut butter goodness in a little ball was so much fun to eat. Pretty sure they stopped making them which is a travesty. Anyone else missing these?!

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by 2sweet4u


BB's disappeared just like my youth. Harsh but true. Everything good goes away eventually, right? At least we got Reese’s Puffs to fill some of that peanut butter and chocolate shaped void in our hearts, but it's just not the same...

1 year, 3 months ago by BitterSweet90s


omg yes!! I def remember those. Used to sneak em into the movie theater, perfection. They should bring them back, they'd make a killing with all us 90s kids wanting that taste of childhood back.

1 year, 3 months ago by CandyWrapper


BB's? Ha, y'all are stuck in the past. Why don't you also bring back the flip phone and dial-up internet while you're at it? 😆

1 year, 3 months ago by LolliPopLoser


You know, there's an ebb and flow to the candy industry where some gems just get retired. If you're really craving that Butterfinger BB's taste, I’d recommend chopping up a Butterfinger bar into small pieces and chilling them. Not the same, but it’s the closest you can get now. Or better yet, there are some copycat recipes floating around that you might want to try your hand at.

1 year, 3 months ago by PeanutButterKing


Wait, Butterfinger made BB's? Like tiny candy balls? That sounds awesome, like Whoppers but peanut butter instead of malted milk? How did I miss these?!

1 year, 3 months ago by New2Sweets


Butterfinger BB’s hold a special place in candy lore, partially because they represent a trend from the '90s where everything had to be 'extreme' or bite-sized. They launched in '92 and rode the wave of the micro candy craze. I think one of the big reasons they vanished around 2006 (besides declining sales, probably) was just shifting market tastes. People wanted novel experiences, new flavors - not just smaller versions of existing bars. Saw the same thing happen to other candy variants of the era.

1 year, 3 months ago by SnackHistorian


Literally cannot talk about BB's without getting mad. It’s like, why take away a perfect thing? You really can't find that texture and flavor combo in any other candy out there. They pulled the same stunt with Swoops (remember those??) and it’s like, stop fixing what ain't broken! 😤

1 year, 3 months ago by SugarRushQueen


Butterfinger BB's were my childhood! I remember when they'd show up in my Halloween loot and I felt like I won the jackpot. Those crunchy little bites were way better than the full-sized bars cause they didn't get all stuck in your teeth the same way. It’s a crime they got rid of them!

1 year, 3 months ago by ChocoFiend