Searching for the Ultimate Caramel Experience

I'm on a quest to find the candy bar with the best caramel layer. It's gotta be silky smooth, rich, buttery, not too sweet, not too bitter. Been through dozens and still, nothing has quite hit that perfect mark. Some are close – like Milky Way's got a decent game – but still, it lacks that homemade caramel 'oomph'. Anyone got any under-the-radar recommendations? There's gotta be a caramel utopia out there...

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by caramelcraver


Most mainstream bars drown the caramel with excess sugar or slap on chocolate that overpowers everything. What you seek is purity. The secret is François Pralus' Barre Infernale Lait. French chocolatiers don't mess around, and this bar? It's craft at its finest. A bit on the pricey side but if you want heaven, it's gonna cost you.

1 year, 3 months ago by CaramelPurity


I'm not a huge caramel expert but the Godiva Milk Chocolate Salted Caramel Bar did wonders for me. It's got that fancy chocolate vibe with a caramel that's smooth, not too sweet with just a hint of sea salt. It's kinda perfect.

1 year, 3 months ago by ChocoLoverz


In the pursuit of caramel perfection, one must consider the origins. The ancient candy tablet of 'Caramellus Maximus'... Just kidding. But seriously, do yourself a favor and grab an 'Abdallah Candies Grand' bar. It's a hidden gem from Minnesota. Their caramel has been perfected over four generations. Its richness is unparalleled, trust me on this!

1 year, 3 months ago by CandyBarHistorian


Just melt some sugar and butter in your kitchen, pour it over a plain bar and call it a day. Or better yet, take a Milky Way, scrape off the chocolate and just eat the caramel. Yum, right?

1 year, 3 months ago by TrollishCandyman


Omg yes! Finally someone talking about the important stuff. The ultimate caramel is like my life's mission. Did u try Ritter Sport Caramelized Almonds? It's got bits of almond and a deep caramel flavor, super buttery! Not the usual thick layer but it's worth tasting. 😋

1 year, 3 months ago by SweetToothSammy


Have you checked out Cadbury's Caramello? Not too shabby tbh. It's got a nice flowing caramel that's pretty addictive without being too sweet. Check it out maybe?

1 year, 3 months ago by CandyBarCrusher


You're looking for nirvana in caramel form, huh? I suggest scouring artisan candy shops. Ever tried Vosges' Mo's Milk Chocolate Bacon Bar? It's got a unique salty-sweet thing. But for straight-up caramel quality, try searching for small-batch candy makers on Etsy. Some handcraft caramels that'll blow your mind. Fair warning, they aren’t the cheapest, but the difference in quality is night and day!

1 year, 3 months ago by CaramelConnoisseur