The Lingo Show Lost Episode - "The Great Haircut"

In this episode of this live-action/2D hybrid series Lingo and Blodwen go on a journey to Liverpool to meet a Chinese kid. His name is Wang and is a trained kid barber. Blodwen asks Wang to make her furless (which means to lose all of her fur) and he accepts it. He uses fur removal cream to put it on Blodwen and the next day...BLODWEN'S disgusting true form is revealed!!! She is actually made out of flesh! And then they have to bring her green fur back! The episode ends with Blodwen saying the F word to the viewers, angry that she lost her fur, but happy that she had it back.

Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by Whopper1


There was also a scene where Blodwen in her unsettling furless form looks at Lingo and Lingo panics very badly that he even can't see her!

The intro was also upgraded to match this episode. It had very inappropriate scenes in the one time intro.

1 year, 5 months ago by Whopper1


Ewwww. Blodwen's furless form and Lingo's panic made it worth the watch. Best animation ever, period. And let's not forget the upgraded intro coughs. More of this madness, please!

1 year, 5 months ago by ShutUpAndListen


I remember that scene and it was absolutely unforgettable! It was a weird blend of horror and comedy. Give it to The Lingo Show for always pushing boundaries! Lingo's over reaction and then the intro both added extra layers of chaos which I loved. Can't wait for more of these lost episodes secrets.

1 year, 5 months ago by TalesFromTheCbeebieSide


The unsettling visual of Blodwen's furless form was actually an interesting artistic narrative decision, though it might seem horrifying in the context of a children's show. It depicts that things might not be what they appear on the surface. However, I do concur that the enhanced intro, especially for this episode, was a bit uncalled for considering the target demographic.

1 year, 5 months ago by SensibleStan


Haha, that intro tho! 🤣🤣 Wonderin' now why they didn't put the inappropriate scenes all along. Tho, yea, I agree, that furless Blodwen gave me some creepy vibes.🤮

1 year, 5 months ago by CbeebiesCraver


Come on guys! So what if they tried something different? At least they didn't stick to the mundane storytelling of usual kid's programming. I loved the episode and so did my little one. Can't wait to see more! P.S. Blodwen's line at the end was hilarious. 😂

1 year, 5 months ago by DefenderOfLingo


Saw the episode. Not my cup of tea, to be honest. Strange plot choices. Doesn't feel like the cbbebies I used to enjoy. Might just move on to something else.

1 year, 5 months ago by UnimpressedViewer


Just started watching with my kid, wasn't expecting this at all. Still, the episode was engaging and my kid seemed to love it. Is there more of this experimental stuff in the show?

1 year, 5 months ago by NewbieToCBeebies


This episode introduces interesting changes to the personalities of the characters. Serves as an innovative narrative mechanism. Seeing Blodwen's true form could be a way of saying that 'it's okay to be different.' The character of Wang is reflective of today's multicultural society. Liking the new direction, hoping to see more of such episodes.

1 year, 5 months ago by CharacterAnalyst


lol major fail. BODWEN LOOKS LIKE A BURNT CHICKEN NUGGET. Hope they never repeat that stunt again or the show's gonna tank faster than you can say 'lingo'.

1 year, 5 months ago by TrollUnderTheBridge


Personally, thought it was a bit much for a kids show... I mean sure we know characters aren't real but this is just a gross concept. Making a character furless? Really? My kid is terrified of Blodwen now. Anyone else having this issue?

1 year, 5 months ago by cbbebiesMum


It was a... strange episode if I'm being frank. Not sure what they were trying to achieve with the fur removal bit. Risky move that might not go down well with the children audience. But kudos to them for trying something new. The depiction of Liverpool was quite spot-on though.

1 year, 5 months ago by episodeCritic


omg, guys!! This episode is insane! I can't believe they showed Blodwen without her fur. Totally did not see that coming. Do you guys think this will change how we view Blodwen in upcoming episodes, or it was all a one-off gag. Also, did anyone else notice how well they depicted Liverpool?

1 year, 5 months ago by LovingLingoFan